Italy: Military Leaders Responsible for Asbestos Related Deaths of Six Soldiers
A Court of Appeal in Venice, Italy has imposed custodial sentences on four former admirals in the Italian armed forces who were found guilty of failing to protect the health of workers exposed to asbestos fibres on Naval ships. The workers in question were six soldiers in the Italian armed …

The Longest Journey Begins With a First Step
These articles are part of EUROMIL’s fiftieth anniversary commemorations. The original article was written by Michael Rudloff in German. You can read it here. In a small town on the Moselle, the official foundation of the European Organisation of Military Associations was prepared. Hatzenport is a small municipality on the …

‘Strengthening & Defending Trade Union Rights in the Public Sector’ – First regional meeting in EPSU, EUROMIL & EuroCOP joint project
The first regional meeting of the EPSU, EUROMIL and EuroCOP project on strengthening and defending trade union rights in the public sector took place on 14 and 15 September 2021. The meeting assessed the current state of play, in particular regarding the transposition of the Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions …

‘Stati Generali’ of Military Trade Unions: Equal Rights for All Italians
On 13 and 14 July 2021, 18 Italian military associations joined in Rome for the first ever high-level meeting of Military Trade Unions, organised by EUROMIL’s member association ASSODIPRO. In his speech, Emmanuel Jacob, the President of EUROMIL, underlined the importance of implementing trade union rights in the Italian armed …

Happy Birthday ASSODIPRO!
This May, ASSODIPRO marked their 29th Anniversary. On 22 May 1992, ASSODIPRO’s 14 founding members, including one woman despite women not being allowed to yet serve in the Italian armed forces, came together to form the association in order to seek better conditions for workers in uniform. Happy birthday to …

Military Trade Unionism in Italy: Murder or Suicide?
Let’s try to get the picture of what follows without going into details. What is it about? In 2017, the Italian forestry corps was integrated into the Carabinieri and therefore placed under military status. Consequently, members of the forestry corps lost the right to form and join trade unions. As …

A Note of Thanks from Italy
EUROMIL Member Association, ASSODIPRO, highlights the importance of its EUROMIL membership in making positive progress in Italy for members of the armed forces. ASSODIPRO National Secretary, Salvatore Vinciguerra, writes below in Italian of the treatment of military personnel in Italy in comparison to their European counterparts, and how despite over …

First Demonstration of Military Trade Unions in Italy
Abstract – On 7 October 2020, Italian military trade unions, supported by national trade union confederations, organised a demonstration against the current bill on granting the right to freedom of association to military personnel in Italy. Indeed in 2018, the Constitutional Court considered that the country could no longer impose …

Military Trade Unionism Discussed in Rome
Gerard Guinan, General Secretary of PDFORRA, recently attended a meeting on behalf of EUROMIL organised by Senator Vincenzo D’Arienzo for members of the Italian Armed Forces representative bodies. The meeting was well attended with representatives from the Army, Navy, Air Force, Guardia de Finanzia and Carbenerri. The meeting was moderated …

The Right to Strike: The Cat is Out of the Bag!
Several months ago, I wrote the article “The Right to Strike: Like a Bull in a China Shop?”. With this article, linked to 35 country factsheets published by EPSU in collaboration with the ETUI on the right to strike in the public sector, I questioned the right to strike in …