SILF: G7 – Security is Served Cold
EUROMIL calls for European leaders to prioritize the safety and living conditions of security personnel. The statement of Emmanuel Jacob, President of EUROMIL, follows the discovery of inhumane conditions on the Mykonos Magic cruise ship, which was supposed to host 2.600 security agents for the G7 summit. Mr Jacob emphasized …

Controversial campaign tactics: the use of military imagery in the European elections
10 June 2024 In the lead-up to the recent European elections, a controversial visual campaign by the French Rassemblement National (RN) sparked significant debate and condemnation from various quarters. The image, posted on the social media platform X in early June, depicted an individual in uniform with the caption, I …

Seminar on Military-Status Police Officers – Spain, 5-6 June
7 June 2024 On 5-6 June 2024, the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) hosted a seminar titled “Policías con Estatuto Militar” (Police Officers with Military Status). This event provided a platform to explore the unique legal, operational, and historical aspects of police forces operating under a military framework. Key speakers …

Portuguese Military Associations want to be heard by the Minister of Defence on careers and wages
27 May 2024 On Saturday 25 May 2024, the Armed Forces’ Sergeants’, Officers’ and Enlisteds’ associations, unanimously approved a motion to hand over to the Minister of Defence, who they hope to hear from soon, about wages and careers. This position was conveyed to journalists at a press conference at …

EUROMIL Declaration on Ukraine
During the 129th EUROMIL General Assembly held in Lisbon (Portugal), in the presence of the Ukrainian Union of Military and Security (UUMS) delegation, the Assembly discussed and endorsed a Declaration on Ukraine. The Declaration echoes the objectives of the ETUC Ukraine Summit Declaration from Lublin (Poland) of 23 April 2024. …

National Congress ITAMIL
On 23 March 2024, the Italian military “association with trade union character” organised its 3rd Congress in Palermo (Italy). The Congress came at the same moment as the official announcement that ITAMIL has been recognised under the new law as a representative organisation representing the Army, counting almost 4% of …

EUROMIL meets with AUME and AUGC in Madrid
On 7 February, a meeting between representatives of EUROMIL, AUME (Asociación Unificada de Militares Españoles) and AUGC (Asociación Unificada de Guardias Civiles) took place in Madrid. The purpose of the meeting was to work on the collective complaint against Spain, submitted in December 2022 to the Council of Europe’s Committee …

ANS updates the “Aspirations Booklet”
Last Saturday, 18 November 2023, in the Auditorium of the Oeiras Social Action Centre (CAS-Oeiras) of the Armed Forces Social Action Institute (IASFA), the ANS – National Sergeants’ Association, held a “National Sergeants’ Conference”. As the aim of this initiative was to revise and update the so-called “Aspirations Booklet”, the …

Appeal of the Itamil Army Association for a Strategic Renewal
In a heartfelt appeal addressed to Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, Defence Minister Guido Crosetto, and the Military Summit, the Itamil Army Association calls for a strategic shift before investing in new weaponry. The focus should be on innovative and bold actions to strengthen our armed forces. The proposed measures include …

Involution of Rights of Civil Guards and the Right of Representation of the Professional Associations of the Civil Guard
Following the crisis in the plenary session of the Council on 28 September, EUROMIL calls upon the Government of Spain to ensure governance and rights for the civil guards within the framework of a police force such as the Civil Guard, which must evolve to adapt to the 21st century. …