A Note of Thanks from Italy
EUROMIL Member Association, ASSODIPRO, highlights the importance of its EUROMIL membership in making positive progress in Italy for members of the armed forces. ASSODIPRO National Secretary, Salvatore Vinciguerra, writes below in Italian of the treatment of military personnel in Italy in comparison to their European counterparts, and how despite over …

The Future Is In Your Hands!
Europe Day, held annually on 9 May in commemoration of the Schuman Declaration, gives European citizens an opportunity to reflect on what solidarity has built over the past decades and what we hope to achieve together in the future. Above all, it gives EU citizens the chance to feel even …

The Role of Military Trade Unions in Tackling Discrimination in the Armed Forces
On 18 November 2020, EUROMIL held an online discussion on “The role of military trade unions in tackling discrimination in the armed forces”. The principles of equality and non-discrimination are enshrined in international standards and legislation. At the European Union (EU) level, these principles are foreseen in EU Treaties and …

Fighting COVID-19 Without Borders!
If we could go back in time less than a year, it would be difficult to convince ourselves that we would generally work from home and conduct our meetings and contacts mainly online, that we would no longer greet each other with a warm hand or cuddle, that we would …

Priorities of the German EU Council Presidency
On 1 July 2020, Germany takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union for the 13th time since 1957. The Presidency rotates every 6 months and will be held by Germany in the second half of 2020. To ensure coherency, three Presidencies are grouped together – Germany …

PESCO: Quo Vadis?
Once again PESCO? Yes, it is not the first article EUROMIL dedicates to PESCO and it will certainly not be the last one. However, let me point out from the start that this time we will not focus on the missing link between PESCO and the human/social factor, even if …

120th Presidium Meeting in Brussels
On 25-26 October 2019, about 60 delegates from 21 member and observer associations of EUROMIL came to Brussels, Belgium, for the 120th Presidium Meeting. EUROMIL holds Presidium Meetings twice every year. The Presidium approves the policy of the Board and provides impetus for the prospective further development of EUROMIL policy. …

Picking the Right Momentum in EU Decision-Making!
One of the main points of criticism on the European Union and its decision-making process, is that it is slow and that it takes a lot of time before the results are visible. Yes, but … even more than in national politics, EU decision-making depends on reaching a consensus – …

Priorities of the Romanian EU Council Presidency
On 1 January 2019, Romania takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union for the first time since its accession to the EU in 2007. The Presidency rotates every six months and will be held by Romania in the first half of 2019 and by Finland in …

2nd “Silent Leges Inter Arma?” Conference
From 18 to 21 September 2017, the Belgian Group of the International Society for Military Law and the Law of War (ISMLLW) organised the second ‘Silent leges inter arma?’ conference. This international conference brought together practitioners and academics active in the field of law, security and defence from a wide …