Members news

One Year On: Assessing the Leadership of the Slovakian Ministry of Defence

Abstract On 21 March 2021, exactly one year passed since the new leadership took office at the Ministry of Defence of the Slovak Republic. Its representatives assess this period as a historical challenge not only in view of the pandemic, but also in term of transparency and openness of the …

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Stop the Irresponsible Violence!

Let me from the outset make clear that what follows is my personal opinion which is written in my capacity as a committed citizen and as a defender of human rights, fundamental freedoms and their key values. What follows is not a EUROMIL position on which we formally or internally …

Members news

Open Dialogue – Liga Militarilor Profesioniști (LMP) and the Ministry of National Defense (MoND)!

Open Dialogue – Liga Militarilor Profesioniști (LMP) and the Ministry of National Defense (MoND)! On 4th of March 2021, at the headquarters of the Ministry of National Defense, in a framework open to dialogue, the delegation of the LMP, composed of Dănuț Albu – President, Oana Nuță – Director of …

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Handling the COVID-19 Pandemic in the European Armed Forces

Hardly anyone would have believed one year ago that today, in early 2021, we are still dealing with a virus that is difficult to control despite the continued global efforts to contain it. The virus and the accompanying pandemic have been regulating or disrupting our society and everyone’s individual life …

Members news

ANS Hold Elections

The presidents of the three bodies: António Lima Coelho, president of the Board; Luís Bugalhão, president of the General Assembly; Mário Pereira, president of the Fiscal Council. Following the electoral act of January 30, the leaders who will lead the destinies of ANS – National Association of Sergeants, during the …

Members news

Commission on the Defence Forces: Irish Member Associations Highlight Major Challenges

Established in December 2020, the Commission on the Defence Forces (the Commission) is tasked with assessing both the immediate requirements of the Defence Forces, including the Reserve Forces, as well as the longer-term vision for beyond 2030. The Commission is open to public consultation, however, on 16 February 2021, EUROMIL’s …

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News from Germany

Female soldiers in the German army Since the Tanja Kreil case in 2000 the Deutsche BundeswehrVerband highlights its ambitions regarding support and normalize the legislative achievement of women as professional soldiers in the German armed forces. Allowing for the always changing demand on professionalized German Army women contribute an outstanding …

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News from Greece

PFEARFU Secretariat for Gender Equality: Break the Silence – Speak Up, No Tolerance of Gender Violence PFEARFU released an announcement on the 17th of January, 2021 in support of the famous Greek athlete Ms. Sofia Bekatorou’s testimony of the sexual abuse she went through as a sailing champion, at an …

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Danish Unions fight for ‘The Danish model’

CS  together with other professional organizations have just made an agreement for employees in the Danish Defense, which is valid for the next three years When government employees’ working conditions and wage limits are to be determined, this is done in Denmark through negotiations between the employees’ Unions and representatives …

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Better Pay for the Belgian Military

A substantial pay rise, meal vouchers, better payment for readiness activities and deployments, a bonus for instructors and a whole host of other measures to make the military profession attractive. But above all: finally enough euros and the political will to make it all possible. After more than 15 years …