News from Germany

Female soldiers in the German army

Since the Tanja Kreil case in 2000 the Deutsche BundeswehrVerband highlights its ambitions regarding support and normalize the legislative achievement of women as professional soldiers in the German armed forces. Allowing for the always changing demand on professionalized German Army women contribute an outstanding and highly needed effort to protect Germany national, within the European continent and internationally in many foreign missions and even in special forces.

Strategic preview of the Deutsche BundeswehrVerband with regards to the General Elections in September 2021

The Deutsche BundeswehrVerband will focus during the beginning Electoral campaign on the defence and security policy issues that stand out to maximize the benefit of all members of its association. Therefore, the Press Department, the Political Department, the Justice Department and overall, its honourable representatives work tightly together monitoring national legislative and European processes that touch its issues. New technological applications like Clubhouse and the new DBwV podcast enable our association a new sphere of political debate.

Selected measures of the Deutsche BundeswehrVerband towards support during the COVID-19 pandemic

The Deutsche BundeswehrVerband encourages all its members towards German politics legislative institutions and courts offering needed financial, medical, and social support by foreshadowing political decisions like the COVID-19 regulations for the national wide mission for official assistance in the medical sector and its foreign missions within NATO, UN and EU.

Armed drones update – English & German

The current legislative process for the acquisition of an armed drone is very far advanced. After the approval of an additional 248 million euros in the 2021 defence budget in December 2020 it is now unclear whether it is intended to take account of the current security policy challenges in foreign mission or not. Due to the German General Elections in September 2021 political decisions in this case seem to be delayed.

Nevertheless, the German Bundeswehr Association maintains its clear advocacy for the acquisition of armed drones for the soldiers on foreign missions and appreciates the taken political decision sooner rather than later.

See earlier news on this subject from December 2020 here.

Mit der Öffentlichen Anhörung vom 5. Oktober 2020 vor dem Verteidigungsausschuss des Deutschen Bundestag ist ein weiterer Meilenstein der jahrelang anhaltenden öffentlichen Debatte zur Anschaffung von bewaffneten Drohnen für die Bundeswehr in Auslandseinsätzen erreicht. Neben dem jahrelangen diskursiven Austausch von rechtlichen, ethischen, wirtschaftlichen und sicherheitspolitischen Argumenten erstand der Eindruck, dass die SPDBundestagsfraktion der Drohnenbeschaffung zustimmen würde.

Wie am 8. Dezember bekannt wurde, spricht sich der SPD-Parteivorsitzende Dr. WalterBorjans überraschend für die Vertagung auf unbestimmte Zeit eines Abstimmungstermins über die Drohnenbeschaffung aus. Diese aktuelle Entwicklung hat zur großen Irritation in der Regierungskoalition und darüber hinaus auch bei Fachpolitkern anderer Bundestagsfraktionen beigetragen. Nach der Bereinigungssitzung des Haushaltsausschusses des Bundestags vom 27. November 2020 werden der Bundeswehr für den Verteidigungshaushalt 2021 zusätzlich 248 Millionen Euro für die Entwicklung des Waffensystems MALE UAS (Eurodrohne) zur Verfügung gestellt.

For more information on any of these topics, please contact DBwV.

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