EUROMIL Supports Ukranian People
The EUROMIL Board supports the ITUC/ETUC in a joint call to action to stop the war in Ukraine now and expresses solidarity with the Ukrainian people, workers and trade unions. EUROMIL has been in contact with its colleagues in Ukraine and wishes to reiterate its support for the ITUC’s emergency …

Climate Change and the Role of the Military
EUROMIL – in cooperation with GMACCC- organized on 25 February an online panel discussion on Climate Change and the Role of the Military. The discussion evolved around EU’s actions towards the ‘greening’ of the military and civil society’s point of view on what should be done next. The president of …

Political Rights for Soldiers – A Future Possibility?
Image from Council of Europe. On 10 December 2021, the Latvian Constitutional Court ruled that a case brought before it regarding the political rights of military personnel was no longer relevant due to the applicant’s subsequent departure from the Latvian armed forces. The case was ultimately dismissed. The case in …

Trade Union Rights for Public Sector Workers: 3rd Regional Meeting
On 25 and 26 January 2022, the third regional meeting in EUROMIL’s joint project with EPSU and EuroCOP on strengthening and defending trade union rights in the public sector took place. The meeting focused on countries from the Nordic region and North Eastern Europe. The meeting was part of a …

The Conference on the Future of Europe and the European Defence Integration
On Friday 28 January EUROMIL organized an online panel discussion on the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE) and the European Defence Integration. The panellists discussed about the citizens’ demands for the advancement of the European security and defence cooperation while scrutinizing the upcoming adoption of the Strategic Compass. …

NSC: 55 Suicides, 55 People have Decided to Stop Fighting
Nuovo Sindacato Carabinieri (NSC, a Carabinieri Union) organised a meeting wanting to break the silence on the issue of suicide in the Armed and Police Forces. The Conference took place on November 27th in Viareggio at the Hotel Palace and, again, strongly supported by NSC, was moderated by Sara Lucaroni, …

Europe – Developing Capabilities for a Credible Defence
On 24-25 November 2021 the 20th Congress on European Security and Defence, better known as the Berlin Security Conference (BSC), has been organised. After a digital conference in May 2021, the 20th Conference has been held in-person, however limited in numbers and with an adapted agenda and format. As in …

Strengthening & Defending TU Rights for Public Sector: 2nd Regional Meeting Takes Place
The second regional meeting in EUROMIL’s joint project with EPSU and EuroCOP took place on 16 and 17 November 2021. The meeting focused on strengthening and defending trade union rights in the public sector in the context of Bulgaria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Romania. The two morning sessions followed …

EUROMIL Holds 124th Presidium Meeting
EUROMIL’s 124th Presidium meeting took place on 22 October 2021 in Athens, Greece hosted by member association, PFEARFU. The meeting was the first Presidium meeting to take place offline since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. The meeting was opened by EUROMIL President, Emmanuel Jacob and included key-note speakers President …

‘Strengthening & Defending Trade Union Rights in the Public Sector’ – First regional meeting in EPSU, EUROMIL & EuroCOP joint project
The first regional meeting of the EPSU, EUROMIL and EuroCOP project on strengthening and defending trade union rights in the public sector took place on 14 and 15 September 2021. The meeting assessed the current state of play, in particular regarding the transposition of the Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions …