Members news

Slándáil 2020: Ireland’s National Security Summit

On the 25th September 2019, an event has been held in the Westbury Hotel to launch the Ireland’s National Security Summit (Slándáil 2020), which will take place on the 25th and 26th February 2020. The National Security Summit will connect government, industry, academia and civil society in a constructive manner to encourage …

Euromil News

EPC: “The future of work – Towards a progressive agenda for all”

In the framework of the new labour market transformations, European Policy Centre (EPC) published an Issue Paper presenting the findings and policy recommendations of their research project: “The future of work – Towards a progressive agenda for all”. The paper aims to take an in-depth look at labour market transformations, …

Members news

The Fifth PFEARFU General Council

Abstract – On 1 February 2020, PFEARFU held its General Council (GC) and Board Meeting in the city hall of Athens. Chairmen and secretary generals from the regional military trade unions, attended the event in a climate of consensus with speeches and interventions. They presented their views on the progress …

Euromil News

Lifeline Ukraine, I’m listening to you!

From 13 to 20 January 2020, the President of EUROMIL, Emmanuel Jacob, visited Ukraine to discuss veteran affairs with different stakeholders Even if EUROMIL at the moment does not count a Ukrainian military association amongst its members, Ukraine remains one of its points of interest. In the summer of 2016, …

Euromil News

Priorities of the Croatian Presidency of the Council of the EU

From January to June 2020, Croatia will take over the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union. During these months, the Croatian Presidency will focus on four main pillars which have been synthesised in one unique motto: “A Europe that is developing. A Europe that connects. A Europe that …

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More of the same in 2020?

At the end of the year, it is a tradition to look back at the past as well as to look forward to the future and make some good intentions known towards the coming year. I do not intend to do so in detail, but I would just like to …

Euromil News

Military and Civil Nurses: Synergies for a Dual Systemic Use of the Profession

On 6 December 2019, the Italian military association ASSODIPRO, in collaboration with the National Federation of Professional Nursing Orders (FNOPI), organised a conference in Perugia on “Military and Civil Nurses: Synergies for a Dual Systemic Use of the Profession”. The aim of the conference, which was chaired by Chief Marshal …

Members news

The Brain Drain in the Belgian Military

Abstract – The Belgian armed forces annually face a loss of both male and female military personnel. Many issues, such as the archaic legacy system and the choice to start a family in the current military situation, play a major role in military-career choices.  The Belgian armed forces today are losing talent. …

Members news

PFEARFU held the First Official Meeting with the Greek General Secretariat for Gender Equality

Abstract – On 4 December 2019, the newly established gender equality secretariat of PFEARFU held the first official meeting with the head of the Greek General Secretariat for Gender Equality and Vice-President of EPP Women, Ms Maria Syrengela. The Greek delegation discussed the proposal to institute one special day of leave per …

Members news

PFEARFU Organised An Informative Tour in Northern Greece

Abstract – Between 27-29 November 2019, the Pan-Hellenic Federation of Armed Forces Unions (PFEARFU) organised an informative tour in Northern Greece. The Greek delegation organised a panel discussion in co-operation with the local military associations of Thessaloniki and Eastern Macedonia and Thrace. The subjects discussed were: the salaries, pensions, rank progress of …