Defending Essential Workers’ Trade Union Rights: Report Submitted to Council of Europe
On Friday, 1 July the European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU), the European Confederation of Police (EuroCOP) and the European Organisation of Military Associations and Trade Unions (EUROMIL) submitted a report on violations of trade union rights to the Council of Europe’s European Committee of Social Rights (ECSR). Together …

Last Regional Meeting in Project on TU Rights for Public Service Workers Takes Place
On 10 and 11 May 2022, EUROMIL, EPSU and EuroCOP held the fifth and final regional meeting as part of the project on strengthening and protecting trade union rights in the public sector. The fifth regional meeting followed a similar structure as the previous meetings, however focused its attention on …

Strengthening & Protecting TU Rights in the Public Sector: Penultimate Regional Meeting Takes Place
On 8 and 9 March, the fourth regional meeting in the joint project between EUROMIL, EPSU and EuroCOP, on strengthening and protecting trade union rights in the public sector, took place online. This session focused on the situation in Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, North Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro and Turkey. It is …

Trade Union Rights for Public Sector Workers: 3rd Regional Meeting
On 25 and 26 January 2022, the third regional meeting in EUROMIL’s joint project with EPSU and EuroCOP on strengthening and defending trade union rights in the public sector took place. The meeting focused on countries from the Nordic region and North Eastern Europe. The meeting was part of a …

Strengthening & Defending TU Rights for Public Sector: 2nd Regional Meeting Takes Place
The second regional meeting in EUROMIL’s joint project with EPSU and EuroCOP took place on 16 and 17 November 2021. The meeting focused on strengthening and defending trade union rights in the public sector in the context of Bulgaria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Romania. The two morning sessions followed …

News From Greece
Mandatory Vaccinations PFEARFU, expresses its concern about the decision of the Military Leadership to call the military personnel of the Armed Forces to decide on the implementation of provisions of the Legislation, regarding the obligation of vaccination against the COVID-19 pandemic and their possible involvement. Specifically the personnel of the …

‘Stati Generali’ of Military Trade Unions: Equal Rights for All Italians
On 13 and 14 July 2021, 18 Italian military associations joined in Rome for the first ever high-level meeting of Military Trade Unions, organised by EUROMIL’s member association ASSODIPRO. In his speech, Emmanuel Jacob, the President of EUROMIL, underlined the importance of implementing trade union rights in the Italian armed …

Trade Union Rights for Public Sector Workers: Joint Project Launch
This joint project is kindly supported by the European Commission. On 25 and 26 May 2021, EUROMIL participated in launching its joint project with EPSU and EuroCOP on ‘Strengthening and Defending Trade Union Rights in the Public Sector.’ The joint project intends to assess current legislative frameworks across the EU …

Military Trade Unionism in Italy: Murder or Suicide?
Let’s try to get the picture of what follows without going into details. What is it about? In 2017, the Italian forestry corps was integrated into the Carabinieri and therefore placed under military status. Consequently, members of the forestry corps lost the right to form and join trade unions. As …

2020 Annus Horribilis?
Traditionally, at the end of the year, we look back at the past 12 months and try to look ahead to what the new year might have in store for us. At the end of 2019, we did so in an article entitled “More of the same in 2020?”. No …