On Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 May 2022, the 5th annual congress of PFEARFU was held with great success in the city of Xanthi, co-organized by the Region of Eastern Macedonia, the municipality of Xanthi and the Military Union of the Region of Eastern Macedonia – Thrace. The congress was …
On 10 and 11 May 2022, EUROMIL, EPSU and EuroCOP held the fifth and final regional meeting as part of the project on strengthening and protecting trade union rights in the public sector. The fifth regional meeting followed a similar structure as the previous meetings, however focused its attention on …
EUROMIL held its 125th General Assembly meeting on 29 April in Trenčín (Slovakia). The President of EUROMIL, Mr Emmanuel Jacob, had the opportunity to meet with the Minister of Defence of Slovakia, Jaroslav Naď, to discuss about military personnel’s rights. The Minister highlighted that service personnel represents a high priority …
On 29 April 2022, EUROMIL held its 125th General Assembly meeting in Trenčín, Slovakia, hosted by member association ZVSR. EUROMIL President Emmanuel Jacob opened the conference by welcoming members and reiterating the organisation’s mandate to achieve better social rights for all workers, in particular military personnel. In his opening speech, …
The government’s decision to make further military contributions available for NATO’s collective defense has been adopted today with broad support from the Parliament. The resolution proposal includes, among other things, that Denmark can stand with a combat battalion group against 1,000 soldiers. Therefore, the government is now increasing the Danish …
Uncertain Extension of the EUTM Mali Mandate in German Parliament The extension of the EUTM Mission Mali by the German Bundestag is currently questionable. Before the expiry of the mandate at the end of May 2022, a debate opened on whether the current political framework conditions in Mali are compatible …
Some of the latest updates from the Central Association of Permanent Defence Personnel (CS). The events in Ukraine, which began with the Russian invasion at the end of February, have also left a marked imprint on Danish defense and defense policy. For several years, Danish politicians have cut defense spending, …
Our Greek member, P.FE.AR.F.U, celebrates its 5 years anniversary. The president of the association highlighted that these five years the federation has focused on promoting the rights of military personnel and recognizing their role in the security of the State, and it will continue to do so. EUROMIL would also …
These articles are part of EUROMIL’s fiftieth anniversary commemorations. The original article was written by Michael Rudloff in German. You can read it here. In a small town on the Moselle, the official foundation of the European Organisation of Military Associations was prepared. Hatzenport is a small municipality on the …
The budget for the Belgian armed forces is going up significantly by 2030. Mainly through investments in personnel. There will also be massive investments in new equipment that will be ‘dual-use’, usable in Ukraine for example, and for assisting the Belgian society. The new Strategic Vision for the Belgian Defense …
One of the instruments EUROMIL is using in support of its member associations, is the collective complaints procedure in the framework of the Social Charter. EUROMIL has a participatory status with the Council of Europe and is therefore entitled to lodge complaints alleging violations of the Charter in the framework …
The prime minister of Sweden Magdalena Andersson announced in a statement on March 10th that the budget of The Swedish Armed Forces is going to increase to 2% of GDP as soon as possible. The budget, the previous year was gradually raised to 1,2% of GDP. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine …