The President of EUROMIL meets the Minister of Defence of North Macedonia
The Minister of Defence of North Macedonia, Ms. Slavjanka Petrovska met with the President of EUROMIL, Mr Emmanuel Jacob, where they discussed a key issue in defence – the improvement of the standard and working conditions of the members of the Armed Forces. The Minister of Defence Ms. Slavjanka Petrovska …

13 September 1972-2022: EUROMIL celebrates its 50 year anniversary
On 13 September 1972, EUROMIL was founded in Bergisch Gladbach, Germany, by professional military associations from Belgium, Denmark, Italy, the Netherlands and the Federal Republic of Germany. 50 years later, current and former members of EUROMIL gathered in Bergisch Gladbach to celebrate the 50 years anniversary. Almost 100 people participated …

50 years of EUROMIL – Interview with the President Emmanuel Jacob and Vice-President Jörg Greiffendorf
These articles are part of EUROMIL’s fiftieth anniversary commemorations. The original article was written by DBwV in German. You can read it here. “We also need a turning point at European level” “In 1972 the day had come: all the soldiers of Europe should speak with one voice. EUROMIL is established. …

My memories of EUROMIL
These articles are part of EUROMIL’s fiftieth anniversary commemorations. The original article was written by Bernhard Gertz in German. You can read it here. The honorary chairman of the DBwV, Col (Ret) Bernhard Gertz, was vice-President for 18 years and also the acting President of EUROMIL for a few months. Today, …

Defending Essential Workers’ Trade Union Rights: Report Submitted to Council of Europe
On Friday, 1 July the European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU), the European Confederation of Police (EuroCOP) and the European Organisation of Military Associations and Trade Unions (EUROMIL) submitted a report on violations of trade union rights to the Council of Europe’s European Committee of Social Rights (ECSR). Together …

EUROMIL welcomes NATO’s 2022 Strategic Concept
NATO’s new Strategic Concept reaffirms NATO’s values and purpose, and provides an overview of how the Alliance will deal with today’s turbulent geopolitical environment. The Russian Federation, after its unjustified aggression against Ukraine, poses the biggest and more direct threat to the Euro-Atlantic area, while China, terrorism, non-proliferation, climate change …

Priorities of the Czech Presidency of the EU Council
On 1st July the Czech Republic takes over the Presidency of the EU Council. The six-month Czech Presidency follows France, and will be followed by Sweden from 1 January till 30 June 2023. Those three states together form the presidency trio and have created a joint programme of their presidencies. …

Safety & Health – The Implementation of the Working Time Directive in the Armed Forces
On Wednesday 25 May 2022, EUROMIL held a day long conference on safety and health in the armed forces and the implementation of the Working Time Directive (WTD). Speakers at the event included Stefaan van der Jeught from the European Court of Justice; Aïda Moumni, a military rights lawyer based …

Last Regional Meeting in Project on TU Rights for Public Service Workers Takes Place
On 10 and 11 May 2022, EUROMIL, EPSU and EuroCOP held the fifth and final regional meeting as part of the project on strengthening and protecting trade union rights in the public sector. The fifth regional meeting followed a similar structure as the previous meetings, however focused its attention on …

The President of EUROMIL meets the Minister of Defence of the Slovak Republic and Opening Speech at the 125th General Assembly
EUROMIL held its 125th General Assembly meeting on 29 April in Trenčín (Slovakia). The President of EUROMIL, Mr Emmanuel Jacob, had the opportunity to meet with the Minister of Defence of Slovakia, Jaroslav Naď, to discuss about military personnel’s rights. The Minister highlighted that service personnel represents a high priority …