Euromil News

Creation Of The First UK Independent Defence Authority

EUROMIL was informed that on 1 December 2020, the first Independent Defence Authority in the United Kingdom (UK) has been created. This is the first initiative to represent military personnel in the UK through an independent body. The mission of the Independent Defence Authority is to provide more cost effective …

Euromil News

Numbers of Military Personnel – Personnel Strength of European Armed Forces

EUROMIL observed in the past months and years that European armed forces are reducing the numbers of their personnel and / or have problems to recruit enough young people to fill their ranks. In autumn 2020, EUROMIL decided to take a step back and analyse the underlying political and military …

Euromil News

The Role of Military Trade Unions in Tackling Discrimination in the Armed Forces

On 18 November 2020, EUROMIL held an online discussion on “The role of military trade unions in tackling discrimination in the armed forces”. The principles of equality and non-discrimination are enshrined in international standards and legislation. At the European Union (EU) level, these principles are foreseen in EU Treaties and …

Euromil News

12 ICOAF: Impact of COVID-19 on Ombuds Institutions for the Armed Forces

Since its first meeting in Berlin in 2009, EUROMIL participates at the yearly meetings of the International Conference of Ombuds Institutions for the Armed Forces (ICOAF). Among the participants, EUROMIL is one of the rare participants not being an Ombuds Institution. Due to the ongoing pandemic, the 12th ICOAF planned …

Euromil News

Attacks against PFEARFU Secretary for Gender Equality

EUROMIL is deeply worried about the recent immoral and sexist attacks against the newly appointed Secretary for Gender Equality of its Greek member association, the “Panhellenic Federation of Armed Forces Unions” (PFEARFU). The organisation has been informed that the Secretary for Gender Equality of PFEARFU had been the victim of …

Euromil News

Human Rights Situation in the Armed Forces of Montenegro

EUROMIL is gravely concerned by the worsening human rights situation in the armed forces of Montenegro, where the human rights and fundamental freedoms of members of the armed forces and especially their trade union rights and their right to freedom or religion or belief are under attack. EUROMIL is equally …

Euromil News

Fighting COVID-19 Without Borders!

If we could go back in time less than a year, it would be difficult to convince ourselves that we would generally work from home and conduct our meetings and contacts mainly online, that we would no longer greet each other with a warm hand or cuddle, that we would …

Euromil News

Armed Forces Personnel at the Frontline!

One of the essential elements of the training of soldiers is the preparation to be sent to a crisis area or, in the most extreme case of war, to the frontline. As you may have already understood, I do not want to talk about this kind of frontline today. Since …

Euromil News

Priorities of the German EU Council Presidency

On 1 July 2020, Germany takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union for the 13th time since 1957. The Presidency rotates every 6 months and will be held by Germany in the second half of 2020. To ensure coherency, three Presidencies are grouped together – Germany …

Euromil News

25th Anniversary of the European Ombudsman

This year, the European Ombudsman is celebrating its 25th anniversary. Established in 1992 by the Maastricht Treaty, in conjunction with the introduction of European citizenship in EU law, the function of European Ombudsman was only embodied in 1995, with the election of Jacob Söderman as first Ombudsman by the European …