Euromil News

First ever LGBTQI event at NATO

On 6 June 2019, the European Organisation of Military Associations and Trade Unions (EUROMIL), the Permanent Representation of Belgium to NATO and the Joint Delegation of Canada to NATO, co-hosted a panel discussion on “Integrating LGBTQI Perspectives in Allied and Partner Armed Forces” at the NATO Headquarters in Brussels. The …

Euromil News

Priorities of the Finnish EU Council Presidency

On 1 July 2019, Finland takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union for the third time since its accession to the EU in 1995. The Presidency rotates every six months and will be held by Finland in the second half of 2019 and by Croatia in …

Euromil News

The Right to Strike: The Cat is Out of the Bag!

Several months ago, I wrote the article “The Right to Strike: Like a Bull in a China Shop?”. With this article, linked to 35 country factsheets published by EPSU in collaboration with the ETUI on the right to strike in the public sector, I questioned the right to strike in …

Members news

Bringing Defence Issues to the Public’s Attention

It is important that the public relates to the armed forces, just as they relate to other institutions in our society. CS wants to have a public discussion of, what the Danish defence can and cannot do with the current size and budget. In June, the small Danish island of …

Euromil News

Mission Critical – Inclusive Leadership for the Security Sector

From 18-20 June 2019, the German Marshall Fund,, Deutscher.Soldat and EUROMIL organised  the 5th edition of the “Mission Critical – Inclusive Leadership for the Security Sector”, which took place in Berlin, Germany. The first day was organised by the German Federal Ministry of Defence and hosted by the Canadian …

Members news

Women In Ground Combat Units, Does It Really Make Sense?

The following is an opinion piece by Roger Housen of ACMP-CGPM. For more information, please contact ACMP-CGPM. In a considerable number of countries, women are still not allowed to serve in ground combat units. Military as well as political reasons are given to justify this provision. As a former commander …

Members news

New DBwV Demands for the Fire Department of the German Armed Forces

Abstract – The DBwV project team “fire department of the German Armed Forces”, who represents the interests of the soldiers, civil servants and employees of the fire department of the German Armed Forces, presented a new position paper. The position paper will be used to communicate the demands to the political …

Members news

German Bundestag Passed Important Bill for the German Armed Forces

Abstract – The German Bundestag passed the “BwEinsatzBerStG”, which aims to improve the readiness for duty of the German Armed Forces. The “BwEinsatzBerStG” changes different laws in order to improve the social and legal regulations of the operational conditions for soldiers, soldiers with temporary contracts and reservists. The DBwV was involved …

Members news

Speech of HKKF President Vinther at EPSU Congress

The HKKF President and EUROMIL Board Member Flemming Vinther delivered a speech at the EPSU Congress in Dublin this year. The full text of the speech is available hereunder. For more information, please contact HKKF. Dear delegates, dear EPSU colleagues I am pleased to note that the basic right to …

Euromil News

Trade union rights recognized again for military personnel by the European Committee of Social Rights

In a decision on the case of CGIL v. Italy (No. 140/2016) that became public on 7 june 2019, the European Committee of Social Rights (ECSR), recognized again trade union rights for military personnel. Analysing a complaint of the Italian General Confederation of Labour (CGIL) against Italy concerning the violation of the …