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120th Presidium Meeting in Brussels

On 25-26 October 2019, about 60 delegates from 21 member and observer associations of EUROMIL came to Brussels, Belgium, for the 120th Presidium Meeting. EUROMIL holds Presidium Meetings twice every year. The Presidium approves the policy of the Board and provides impetus for the prospective further development of EUROMIL policy. …

Euromil News

The Climate-Security Nexus: Implications for Military Personnel

On 24 October 2019, the European Organisation of Military Associations and Trade Unions (EUROMIL), together with the Environment & Development Resource Centre (EDRC) and in association with the Brussels Dialogue on Climate Change (BDCD) and the Global Military Advisory Council on Climate Change (GMACCC) with the kind support of the …

Members news

AUME Requests the Suspension of Physical Testing in the Spanish Armed Forces

Abstract –  On 3 November 2019, the Spanish military association AUME requested the Minister of Defence to temporarily suspend collective physical unit tests conducted in almost all armed forces units, after a soldier died last Thursday, 31 October 2019 as a result of that test. It is the second known …

Euromil News

EU General Court Ruling Disappoints EPSU and Weakens European Social Dialogue

On 24 October 2019, the EU General Court released a ruling in the case of the European Public Service Union (EPSU) vs. the European Commission. The Court concluded that the European Commission’s right of initiative means that it can decide on whether or not to make social partner agreements legally …

Euromil News

Building Resilient and Sustainable Ombuds Institutions – 11ICOAF

Since its first meeting in Berlin in 2009, EUROMIL participates at the yearly meetings of the International Conference of Ombuds Institutions for the Armed Forces, better known as ICOAF. Among the participants, EUROMIL is one of the rare participants not being an Ombuds Institution. However, EUROMIL believes that a good …

Members news

ATME and Ciudadanos Discuss Working Conditions

Abstract – On 1 October 2019, a delegation of ATME met with Miguel Ángel Gutiérrez, MP, to discuss the situation of soldiers who have to leave the armed forces at the age of 45. Mr. Gutiérrez Vivas is a member of the Defence Committee of the Spanish Parliament and a …

Members news

The President of the Autonomous City of Melilla Welcomes ATME’s Proposals for the Reintegration of Soldiers into Civilian Life

Abstract – In September 2019, a delegation of ATME met with the President of the autonomous City of Melilla to resume talks on measures to the reintegration of soldiers into civilian life. The proposals of the organisation were welcomed by the authorities. These proposals include a dedicated percentage of vacancies in …

Euromil News

EU Citizens in National Armed Forces – Solving the Recruitment Challenge?

On 15 October 2019, EUROMIL organised an event on EU Citizens in National Armed Forces in cooperation with the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF). Opening the discussion, Emmanuel Jacob, EUROMIL President, explained that armed forces all over Europe are facing recruitment challenges. As a response to personnel shortages, some …

Members news

PFEARFU Met Greek Deputy Minister of National Defence

Abstract – On Friday, 11 October 2019, PFEARFU held the second formal meeting with the Deputy Minister of National Defence, Mr. Alkiviadis Stefanis. During the meeting the main issues discussed, were the Deputy Minister’s proposal for a new Corps of Non Commissioned Officers, the working time directive, allowances, employee insurance contributions, …