Numbers of Military Personnel – Personnel Strength of European Armed Forces
EUROMIL observed in the past months and years that European armed forces are reducing the numbers of their personnel and / or have problems to recruit enough young people to fill their ranks. In autumn 2020, EUROMIL decided to take a step back and analyse the underlying political and military …

The Fifth PFEARFU General Council
Abstract – On 1 February 2020, PFEARFU held its General Council (GC) and Board Meeting in the city hall of Athens. Chairmen and secretary generals from the regional military trade unions, attended the event in a climate of consensus with speeches and interventions. They presented their views on the progress …

EU Citizens in National Armed Forces – Solving the Recruitment Challenge?
On 15 October 2019, EUROMIL organised an event on EU Citizens in National Armed Forces in cooperation with the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF). Opening the discussion, Emmanuel Jacob, EUROMIL President, explained that armed forces all over Europe are facing recruitment challenges. As a response to personnel shortages, some …

Report: Preparing the Armed Forces for Disruptive Technological Changes
In the framework of the European Policy Centre (EPC) project “The future of work – Towards a progressive agenda for all”, EUROMIL supported the EPC in carrying out research on the topic of “Preparing the armed forces for disruptive technological changes”. The analytical report, which is now being published, looks …

Bringing Defence Issues to the Public’s Attention
It is important that the public relates to the armed forces, just as they relate to other institutions in our society. CS wants to have a public discussion of, what the Danish defence can and cannot do with the current size and budget. In June, the small Danish island of …

Inclusive Security Forces: Lifting the Taboos
The following article was written by EUROMIL in the framework of this year’s Debating Security Plus debate on LGBTI Rights in the security Sector and first published on Friends of Europe’s “Europe’s World” platform. Voters went to the polls from 23 to 26 May 2019 to elect their representatives to the …

Picking the Right Momentum in EU Decision-Making!
One of the main points of criticism on the European Union and its decision-making process, is that it is slow and that it takes a lot of time before the results are visible. Yes, but … even more than in national politics, EU decision-making depends on reaching a consensus – …

Commemorating Our History Whilst Focusing on the Present and the Future
From 16 to 19 November 2018 the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (NATO PA) gathered for its 64th Annual Session in Halifax, Canada. Canada hosted the NATO PA’s Annual Session for the fifth time and was one of the twelve founding members of the Alliance signing the Washington Treaty in 1949. Welcoming …

EUROMIL Releases Recommendations in View of the European Elections
During its 118th Presidium Meeting, EUROMIL released recommendations for policy makers, politicians and interested civilians in the view of the upcoming European elections in May 2019. The recommendations suggest concrete steps which could be taken to enhance the situation of military personnel all over Europe. Policies and regulations are needed to …

Once Again a New Initiative!
On 25 June 2018 defence ministers from nine European countries signed a letter of intent on creating the European Intervention Initiative (EII). Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and the UK – at this moment all EU member states – declared their willingness to set up a …