New Working Time Regulation For The German Armed Forces
Abstract – The EU Working Time Directive was implemented for the German Armed Forces about a year ago. Time for the German Armed Forces Association (DBwV) to take stock: In an interview with the magazine of the DBwV, Lieutenant General Eberhard Zorn from the Federal Ministry of Defence points out that …
Cyber Security in Germany
Abstract – On 22 September 2016, the German Armed Forces Association (DBwV) co-organised an event in Bonn on “Cyber and White Paper 2016 – Departure towards a secure future!?” The chairman of the DBwV, Lieutenant-Colonel André Wüstner, participated in the panel discussion and said, that the personnel is the most important …
The Use of Military Forces for Internal Security Tasks
On 27 September, EUROMIL and CESI jointly organised the 14th edition of CESI@noon on the topic of “The use of military forces for internal security tasks”. The President of EUROMIL, Emmanuel Jacob, introduced the topic by highlighting the changed nature of military missions. Recent terrorist attacks in different European countries …
Comprehensive Approach – Solving Problems
Abstract – What means comprehensive approach? It means that crises and conflicts can be managed with a mixture of military, diplomacy and development assistances. However, the German Armed Forces Association would appreciate a more comprehensiveness as from the process of drafting strategies. While the White Paper of the German Armed …
Success for the German Armed Forces Association
Abstract – The German Bundestag adopted on 10 June 2016 an amendment to the Military Personnel Representation Act, in German the so-called Soldatenbeteiligungsgesetz. The approval of the parliamentary groups was surprisingly high. The coalition of the governing parties CDU/CSU (conservatives) and SPD (social democrats) is working towards the modernisation of …
Parliamentary Approval
Abstract – Three Committees of the German Parliament held consultation with six renowned legal experts on the parliamentary approval, which is needed to deploy the German armed forces in armed missions abroad. Currently, a reform of the parliamentary approval is being discussed in Parliament and the consultations provided the parliamentarians …
Abstract – The German Parliament discussed the extension of the mandate for EUTM Mali and EU NAVFOR ATALANTA. The Minister of Defence, Dr. Ursula von der Leyen, explained that especially Mali is a good example showing how the concept “comprehensive security” is actually implemented by German and other European forces …
German Armed Forces 2020 plus
Abstract – In May 2014, the DBwV made a first step by publishing the paper “Powerful German Armed Forces 2020”. Therein, the German Armed Forces Association described the ideal armed forces in 2020: staff, an attractive programme, better equipment and a higher defense budget where items on the agenda. Now …
The Requirement of Parliamentary Approval
Abstract – The German Bundestag must approve any deployment of the German armed forces abroad. In view of a recent revision of the law, the DBwV takes stock of changes: Deployments of the German armed forces will be accounted and evaluated in the future, which is a positive step. Unfortunately, there …
Recruitment in the Belgian Armed Forces
Abstract – Since January 2014, the Belgian defense has been recruiting at two different levels, after the modification of the statute of the soldiers. On the one hand, defense maintains a professional status (contract until pension), on the other hand it provides to some soldiers a contract for a period …