Spanish Professional Military Associations: Absent From the Military Easter
AUME denounces that the yearly act of the military in the Royal Palace, called PASCUA MILITAR (“Military Easter”), is going to be held for another year without the presence of the representatives of the Professional Associations, which means ignoring a fundamental instance of the Armed Forces in a democratic state. …

Demonstration of Spanish Military Associations
Abstract – Spanish professional military associations, namely AUME, ASFASPRO, ATME and UMT called for a demonstration on 19 September 2020 to defend their right to a fair remuneration. Military wages have not been updated for more than a decade. In support of the planned demonstration, EUROMIL’s President issued a video …

Spanish Soldiers: Struggling for Dignified Remuneration
The Spanish military are called upon to defend their right to dignified remuneration. The protest demonstration is scheduled in Madrid, on Saturday, 19 September 2020. Professional military associations – AUME, ASFASPRO, ATME, UMT – have called to mobilization after a meeting of no effect with the Minister of Defense last …

AUME Requests the Suspension of Physical Testing in the Spanish Armed Forces
Abstract – On 3 November 2019, the Spanish military association AUME requested the Minister of Defence to temporarily suspend collective physical unit tests conducted in almost all armed forces units, after a soldier died last Thursday, 31 October 2019 as a result of that test. It is the second known …

Iberian Meeting on Military Rights
The University of Évora (Portugal), with the participation of military associations from Portugal and Spain, promoted a debate on the social rights of citizens in uniform. The Interdisciplinary Center of Social Sciences of the University of Évora (CICS.NOVA.UÉvora) promoted Friday, 19 July 2019, in Évora, the 1st Iberian Meeting – Armed …

The Defence on the Spanish Electoral Campaign
Abstract – Mariano Casado Sierra as the head of the legal office of AUME and member of the “Observatory of the Military Life” in Spain, has written this article published on Infolibre “www.infolibre.es”, which describes the proposals given by the political parties about the Defence, but pointing mainly on the …

Proposals to Political Parties Concerning Military Personnel in Spain
Abstract – Prior to the upcoming general elections foreseen on 28 April 2019 in Spain, the United Association of Spanish Military (AUME) met with the main national political parties to inform them about the main concerns and goals of military personnel as well to make suggestions regarding their electoral programmes …

Salaries and Payments of Military Personnel in Spain
Abstract – Spanish military associations, including EUROMIL member associations ATME and AUME, have requested a specific meeting of the COPERFAS about the salaries and payments of military personnel. The associations held a press conference in which the President of ATME insisted that it is necessary to update the salaries of …

An Armed Forces Made Up Of Soldiers Paid With Almost 1.000 Euro
Abstract – The salary paid to the soldiers in Spain is between 1.000 and 1.150 Euro, therefore the second lowest salary paid to European soldiers just after the Portuguese. This article narrates the difficulties found by the Spanish soldiers to find a way to reach the end of each month with …

Platform of Women in Spanish Police and Military
Abstract – In October 2018, the first platform about woman in the Police and Military corps was presented in Murcia (Spain). This platform formed by the main trade unions and Professional Associations of Spanish Police, Guardia Civil and Militaries has been created with the aim of showing the principal issues …