Portuguese Ministry of Defence Rules Out Trade Union Rights of Military Associations
Abstract – The military professional associations in Portugal (ANS, AOFA, AP) members of EUROMIL, promoted several events and debates concerning the trade union rights for military, following decisions made public by the European Committee of Social Rights (ECSR). In these events were present different participants and guests including members of …

Iberian Meeting on Military Rights
The University of Évora (Portugal), with the participation of military associations from Portugal and Spain, promoted a debate on the social rights of citizens in uniform. The Interdisciplinary Center of Social Sciences of the University of Évora (CICS.NOVA.UÉvora) promoted Friday, 19 July 2019, in Évora, the 1st Iberian Meeting – Armed …

Call of Portuguese Associations
Abstract – Six associations representing the Armed Forces, the Republican National Guard (GNR) and the Maritime Police called for the intervention of the President of the Republic to “restore justice” by promoting a “complete restoration” of service time after thawing of careers. Meeting in plenary on 15 April 2019, in …

New Board of ANS (Portugal) Took Office
Abstract – On 9 March 2019, the new Board of ANS (one of EUROMIL’s Portuguese member associations) took office. In front of dozens of institutional guests and dozens of ANS members and friends, the “Casa do Alentejo”, home to so many and memorable occasions, the members elected on 2 February …

EUROMIL Board Meets in Lisbon and Portuguese Associations Debate Trade Union Rights
Abstract – In the middle of the four-year term, the Board of EUROMIL, held an extraordinary meeting in Lisbon on 21 February to review the past two years and to prospect the two years period until the Congress, scheduled for October 2020, when elections will take place for the next …

New Minister of Defence Meets With Military Associations
The new Portuguese National Defence Minister (MoD), João Gomes Cravinho, who took office since mid-October, responding to a request previously made, met last 27 November 2018 with the National Association of Sergeants. The Chairman, Mário Ramos, the Vice-President, Norberto Mateus and the Director of the newspaper “O Sargento” and Board …

Following the Decision Taken at the Extraordinary Congress in Budapest
Abstract – In Portugal, a nationwide newspaper (Diário de Notícias) published on 5 November 2018 an opinion article written by António Bernardo Colaço, Judge Counselor to the Supreme Court of Justice (retired), at a time when the European Organisation of Military Associations and Trade Unions has adopted the new name …

United in Military Diversity – How to Accommodate Diverging Military Cultures
On 28 September 2017, EUROMIL together with the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom organised the first event in a tripartite series on overcoming obstacles on the way towards a European Army. The first event focused on the question how working together with military personnel from diverse national military cultures works …
United in Military Diversity – How to Accommodate Diverging Military Cultures
This event is the first in the series “Overcoming Obstacles on the Way Towards a European Army” jointly organised by the Friedrich-Naumann-Foundation for Freedom (FNF) & EUROMIL. Every national military organisation has throughout history developed a unique culture. This is being expressed in terms of the citizen’s and employee’s rights of the …

When Men Come Together, Associativism Happens!
As part of the program of celebrations of its 28th anniversary, ANS promoted a debate on the importance of associations for the defence of citizenship rights. On a warm afternoon, on 20 June, in a room where ANS members and leaders were present, along with representatives of the military associative …