Members news

AP Celebrates its 17th Anniversary

The “Association of Enlisted” (AP), one of three Portuguese member associations of EUROMIL, recently celebrated its 17th anniversary. Registered  on 24 February 2000 as Associação de Praças da Armada (APA),  only representing navy personnel at that time, it subsequently amended its statute in order to integrate and represent all enlisted …

Members news

Human Rights of Military Personnel

Abstract –  Lt. Gen. Juan Gómez de Salazar, chief of the ground forces of the Spanish Army, who was previously said to have compared the possible infiltration of jihadists into the armed forces to having representatives of military associations in the units, now declared in an interview with the newspaper “ABC de …

Members news

ATME Colloquium On Short Term Careers

Abstract – ATME, one of EUROMIL’s Spanish member associations, organised a first colloquium on the question of short term careers on 11 February 2017 in Seville. As reported earlier, all temporary military personnel in Spain (about 45% of the total military force) are dismissed from service when they turn 45. …

Members news

Damning Conclusions: Defence Personnel Shows Minister The Red Card

Abstract – The survey conducted by the military unions amongst the defence personnel, in which almost 8.500 men and women participated, produced shocking conclusions about the confidence in the Dutch Minister of Defence Hennis and the high-ranking officers surrounding her. Two in three soldiers have little or no confidence in …

Members news

Assuming Political Responsibility – Also As Soldier

Abstract – The forthcoming German parliamentary elections are held in September 2017. As the election campaigns are taking up speed, the German Armed Forces Association looks at the guidelines applying for soldiers when getting involved in politics: According to the principles of “Innere Führung” (Internal Leadership), German soldiers are encouraged …

Members news

New Working Time Regulation For The German Armed Forces

Abstract – The EU Working Time Directive was implemented for the German Armed Forces about a year ago. Time for the German Armed Forces Association (DBwV) to take stock: In an interview with the magazine of the DBwV, Lieutenant General Eberhard Zorn from the Federal Ministry of Defence points out that …

Members news

Strategic Plan And Reform Of Pension System: Totally Incompatible

The Belgian government adopted a strategic vision for its armed forces last summer. This document lays down the missions, force structure and capital investments for the period until 2030. A few months after the publication of this plan, the government decided to dramatically increase the retirement age of the military …

Members news

Situation in Greece

The Greek association ANEAED published an opinion piece on the impact of the economic crisis on the Greece people in general and the military personnel in particular. The opinion piece is available here. For more information please contact ANEAED .

Members news

Colloquium Promoted by AP

In an unprecedented worthy of note initiative, a colloquium about “Military Recruitment – Challenges and Opportunities” organised by the Portuguese association representing soldiers and corporals (Associação de Praças – AP,) took place on 15 February 2017 at the National Defence Institute in Lisbon. The event aimed at promoting the discussion …

Members news

Non-Compliance With Law On Right Of Association Of Portuguese Soldiers

Abstract – In August 2001, 19 years after the publication of the LDNFA (National Defence and Armed Forces Law – Law 29/82 of 11 December) and after an intense struggle to amend its article 31 a law was finally published which recognized the right of professional associations for military personnel …