EU Strives for Enhancing Its Capacity to Act as a Security Provider
On 25 June 2018 delegations of foreign affairs ministers and defence ministers participating in the EU Council meeting discussed the implementation of the EU Global Strategy in the area of security and defence. The conclusions highlighting the substantial progress in strengthening cooperation and provide and providing further guidance were adopted …

Leaving No One Behind!
On 25 June 2018 the President of EUROMIL, Emmanuel Jacob, met in Geneva with Mr. Clément Voule, Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association. This was the second meeting EUROMIL had with the Special Rapporteur after an exchange of views with Ms. Annalisa Ciampi …

Priorities of the Austrian EU Council Presidency
On 1 July 2018, Austria takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union for the third time after 1998 and 2006. The Presidency rotates every 6 months and will be held by Austria in the second half of 2018. The motto Austria has chosen for the EU …

A Common European Defence Market – How to tackle Fragmentation?
On 5 June 2018, EUROMIL, together with the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) organised the third event in the series “Overcoming Obstacles on the Way Towards a European Army” dealing with defence industry cooperation in the European Union. Pierre Delsaux, Deputy Director-General of DG GROW at the European Commission …

Security Needs a New Narrative
NATO is currently moving into its new, modern headquarters in Brussels. Allied chiefs of defense had their first inaugural meeting on May 16 in the new place to review key military deliverables ahead of the Defense Ministerial in June and the Summit in July. Discussions focused, among other things, on …

Cyber Defence Resolution Acknowledges Military Personnel
On 13 June 2018, the plenary of the European Parliament adopted a resolution on Cyber Defence. The resolution elaborates on the issues related to the cybersecurity and actions that should be undertaken to prevent and combat cyber threats. Since cyber activities and attacks on critical infrastructure carried out by state …

NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Warsaw
The 2018 Spring Session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (NATO PA) was held in Warsaw (Poland) from 25 to 28 May 2018. The NATO PA brought parliamentarians from the NATO member countries from North America and Europe together as well as delegates from partner countries and observers to discuss reports, …

Public Hearing: Soldiers’ rights in EU Member States
On 15 May 2018, EUROMIL President Jacob addressed the members of the Security and Defence (SEDE) Committee of the European Parliament during a public hearing on “Soldiers’ rights in EU Member States”. MEP Clare Moody (S&D, UK), Vice-Chair of the SEDE Committee opened the hearing by pointing out the importance …

Statement of EUROMIL in Support of the Demonstration Organised by Spanish Military Associations on 12 May 2018
The European Organisation of Military Associations (EUROMIL) fully supports the demonstration jointly organised by 5 Spanish military associations, namely AUME, ATME, AMTM, UMT and 45 Sin Despidos, to claim their rights in front of the Ministry of Defence on 12 May 2018. To read the statement of EUROMIL in support …

117th EUROMIL Presidium Meeting in Brussels
On 20 and 21 April 2017, about 50 delegates from 16 member and observer associations of EUROMIL came to Brussels, Belgium for the 117th Presidium Meeting. EUROMIL holds Presidium Meetings twice every year. The Presidium approves the policy of the Board and provides impetus for the prospective further development of …