Euromil News

OSCE/ODIHR, DCAF & EUROMIL Online Seminar on Military Personnel’s Right to Health

On 28 May 2020, EUROMIL, together with the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and the Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance (DCAF), organised a web-based seminar focusing on the topic of “COVID-19 and the Military Personnel’s Right to Health”. With COVID-19 the military has been called …

Euromil News

COVID-19 and the Armed Forces: the Right to Health in the Military

On 20 May 2020, EUROMIL held an internal online discussion on “Covid-19 and the Armed Forces: the Right to Health in the Military”. This internal discussion between the umbrella organisation and its member associations addressed the right to health of members of the armed forces in relation to the COVID-19 …

Euromil News

EUROMIL Participated in the 2020 Transatlantic Security Jam

The “2020 Transatlantic Security Jam: securing the Post-COVID Future” took place online from 12 to 14 May 2020. Experts from all over the world participated in this three-day written virtual brainstorm on international security challenges hosted by IBM and coordinated by The Partnership for Peace Consortium in collaboration with Friends …

Euromil News

Berlin Security Conference 2020

This year the Berlin Security Conference will be held on 24 and 25 November 2020 under the title “Europe – a cohesive bond for strong power”. The Conference is organised by the Behörden Spiegel, Germany’s leading independent civil service newspaper. For further photos and information please see  Brochure.

Euromil News

EUROMIL Adopts a Position Paper on the Right to Strike

EUROMIL Presidium Members adopted a position paper on the right to strike in April 2020. Recently, the European Committee of Social Rights (ECSR) took a clear position on the right to strike for members of the armed forces in its decisions on the cases of EUROMIL v. Ireland (112/2014) and …

Euromil News

Coalition to Make Whistleblowing Safe During COVID-19 and Beyond

On 6 April 2020, EUROMIL, together with a coalition of NGOs and trade unions, including ETUC, EPSU and Eurocadres, issued a joint statement calling on all public authorities and corporate institutions to protect those citizens and workers who expose harms, abuses and serious wrongdoing during the COVID-19 crisis and beyond. …

Euromil News

PESCO: Quo Vadis?

Once again PESCO? Yes, it is not the first article EUROMIL dedicates to PESCO and it will certainly not be the last one. However, let me point out  from the start that this time we will not focus on the missing link between PESCO and the human/social factor, even if …

Euromil News

COVID-19: the day after!

Perhaps it sounds a bit strange to write an article on “the day after” at a time when we have no idea on when and surely not how the COVID-19 crisis will end. However, one should start thinking at the post Corona era and not be too optimistic or pessimistic, …

Euromil News

Gender Pay Gap: End the Secrecy!

On 25 February 2020 the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) organised a gathering in front of the European Commission and the Council to highlight their demand to “end the secrecy” over pay. ETUC’s Deputy General Secretary Esther Lynch said: “The principle of equal pay for equal work has been enshrined …

Euromil News

Helping those who served to help others

On 19 February 2020, EUROMIL’s President Emmanuel Jacob visited the Organisation of National Ex-Service personnel (ONE) in Dublin (Ireland). Although ONE is not an unknown organisation for EUROMIL, it never had the occasion to take a closer look at their work in favour of Irish ex-service personnel and, especially, homeless …