German Armed Forces 2020 plus
Abstract – In May 2014, the DBwV made a first step by publishing the paper “Powerful German Armed Forces 2020”. Therein, the German Armed Forces Association described the ideal armed forces in 2020: staff, an attractive programme, better equipment and a higher defense budget where items on the agenda. Now …

Being Military Is Not The Synonym Of Being A Servant
Abstract – Since the “Tercios” of the Habsburg armies, which laid the bases of a professional army in Spain, a set of rules, traditions and ordinances have been transmitted along the history, until our days. These rules have been assumed to be normal by the following generations and have been …

On 9 April 2016 EUROMIL’s observer association “Associazione Il Movimento Libera Rappresentanza” (LR) held a fist meeting in Palermo (Sicily) on “Rights, Security and Defence in the Mediterranean”. In Italy, military personnel still has no right to form and join professional military associations or trade unions. The President of LR, …

Roundtable Meeting on Military Trade Unions in Malta
As a follow-up on the first visit of the President of EUROMIL, Emmanuel Jacob, to Malta in February 2016, EUROMIL organised a roundtable meeting on military trade unions in Valletta on 5 April 2016. The President opened the meeting by pointing out that EUROMIL was pleased to be back in …

10 Recommendations of the Security Jam 2016
The Security Jam 2016 was an online brainstorm, organised by Friends of Europe, which from April 25-28 gathered thousands of experts on security, development and human rights from around the world. The 48 VIPs and close to 2500 participants from 131 countries discussed topics such as fighting terrorism and transnational …

EUROMIL held its 113th Presidium Meeting in Podgorica
EUROMIL held its 113th Presidium Meeting in Podgorica, the capital of Montenegro, on 22 and 23 April 2016. Over 60 delegates joined the meeting, representing 26 different EUROMIL member associations from 19 countries. The Presidium, which meets twice a year, is composed of the Board of EUROMIL and one appointed …

President Jacob at General Assembly of N-COACA
The President of EUROMIL, Emmanuel Jacob, was invited by N-COACA to speak at their General Assembly on 7 March 2016. The General Assembly, which took place in Nicosia, was opened by Katerina Markoullidou, the President of N-COACA. Afterwards, President Jacob addressed the assembly, before the Minister of Defence of Cyprus, …

The Requirement of Parliamentary Approval
Abstract – The German Bundestag must approve any deployment of the German armed forces abroad. In view of a recent revision of the law, the DBwV takes stock of changes: Deployments of the German armed forces will be accounted and evaluated in the future, which is a positive step. Unfortunately, there …

Father or Soldier?
Abstract – Being a father with a six-year old daughter or being an infantry private, this is the dilemma Marcos García Rodríguez has been facing since a new regulation was introduced a year ago. The Order DEF/253/201 regulates holiday arrangements, permits, and reduction of working hours in the armed forces …

Call for New Investigation on Effects of PX-10
Abstract – AFMP Chairlady, Anne-Marie Snels, calls for a new and independent investigation of the gun-cleaning oil PX-10, which might cause cancer if used without the necessary protection. AFMP claims that an earlier investigation conducted by the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports in 2011 was not carried out accurately, …