Contingency Plan After Termination of Outsourced Cleaning Service in the Spanish Army
Abstract – The approval of the Order HAP / 1169/2016 of 14 July 2016 resulted in a situation, where the Spanish army is legally unable to hire outsourced cleaning services for its facilities. Awaiting a Council of Ministers decision to end this dilemma, the Directorate Quartering adopted general guidelines allowing the …

Conference of Ombuds Institutions for the Armed Forces
EUROMIL participated in the 8th International Conference of Ombuds Institutions for the Armed Forces (ICOAF), which took place from 2 to 5 October 2016 in Amsterdam. For the 8th consecutive year, representatives of ombuds institutions for the armed forces of nearly thirty countries, as well as of international and non-governmental …

Inclusive Security Forces Discussed at the OSCE HDIM 2016
On Wednesday 28 September 2016, EUROMIL organised a side event on “Inclusive Security Forces”, in the framework of the OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting (HDIM) 2016 in Warsaw, Poland. OSCE participating States have committed themselves to ban discrimination on any ground (Copenhagen 1990). The principle of non-discrimination as well as …

The Use of Military Forces for Internal Security Tasks
On 27 September, EUROMIL and CESI jointly organised the 14th edition of CESI@noon on the topic of “The use of military forces for internal security tasks”. The President of EUROMIL, Emmanuel Jacob, introduced the topic by highlighting the changed nature of military missions. Recent terrorist attacks in different European countries …

HOSZ Celebrates 25th Anniversary
Abstract – EUROMIL’s Hungarian member association HOSZ celebrated its 25th anniversary this year. On this occasion, the union organized a family and sport event on 17 September 2016. In spite of the rainy weather more than 600 members of HOSZ took part on the exceptional stylish sport, cultural and entertaining …

The Bratislava Summit
On 16 September 2016, the heads of state and government of 27 EU countries (all except for the UK) met for an informal summit in Bratislava, Slovakia to discuss the current situation of the EU, as well at the way forward. The Bratislava Declaration and Roadmap includes concrete steps and …

State of the Union 2016
On 14 September 2016, the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, gave his yearly State of the Union address in the European Parliament. Juncker pointed out it was high time for the EU to honestly assess its situation, shedding light on different problems the Union is facing but also …

French and German Ministers of Defence Present Plan For More European Cooperation
The French Minister of Defence, Jean-Yves Le Drian, and his German counterpart, Ursula von der Leyen, drafted a plan for a “European Defence Union”, media reported on Monday, 12 September 2016. The plan, which was presented to their European colleagues and the European External Action Service, will be discussed during …

Security at Schiphol Airport at Risk Due to High Workload
Abstract – Because of understaffing and a high workload, the Dutch Military Police has trouble securing Schiphol Airport. Terrorist threats have forced military police from all over the country to help out. “We can not keep this up much longer,” says Ton de Zeeuw, chairman of the union for Military …

21st Anniversary of the International Military Climbing to Kriváň (Slovakia)
Abstract – On 27 August 2016, the 21st International Military Climbing to Kriváň was organised on the occasion of the 72nd anniversary of the Slovak National Uprising by the Association of the Soldiers of the Slovak Republic (ZVSR) in cooperation with the Chief of the General Staff of the Slovak …