Cheap Labour? Irish Defence Forces on Standby at Dublin Airport
Based on information from its Irish affiliates, EUROMIL understands that the Irish Government has supported a request from the Minister for Transport, Mr. Eamon Ryan, T.D. for members of the Defence Forces to undergo training and be on stand-by to assist the DAA with the provision of aviation security duties …

Conscientious Objection to Military Service for Professional Soldiers
While the right to conscientious objection is recognized in international standards and legislation, only a limited number of European countries grant the status of conscientious objector to professional members of the armed forces. The right to conscientious objection is provided for through Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human …

Commission on the Defence Forces: Irish Member Associations Highlight Major Challenges
Established in December 2020, the Commission on the Defence Forces (the Commission) is tasked with assessing both the immediate requirements of the Defence Forces, including the Reserve Forces, as well as the longer-term vision for beyond 2030. The Commission is open to public consultation, however, on 16 February 2021, EUROMIL’s …

Helping those who served to help others
On 19 February 2020, EUROMIL’s President Emmanuel Jacob visited the Organisation of National Ex-Service personnel (ONE) in Dublin (Ireland). Although ONE is not an unknown organisation for EUROMIL, it never had the occasion to take a closer look at their work in favour of Irish ex-service personnel and, especially, homeless …

Slándáil 2020: Ireland’s National Security Summit
On the 25th September 2019, an event has been held in the Westbury Hotel to launch the Ireland’s National Security Summit (Slándáil 2020), which will take place on the 25th and 26th February 2020. The National Security Summit will connect government, industry, academia and civil society in a constructive manner to encourage …

The Right to Strike: The Cat is Out of the Bag!
Several months ago, I wrote the article “The Right to Strike: Like a Bull in a China Shop?”. With this article, linked to 35 country factsheets published by EPSU in collaboration with the ETUI on the right to strike in the public sector, I questioned the right to strike in …

Roundtable Meeting on the Implementation of the EU Working Time Directive in the Southern European Armed Forces
On 16 March 2017, EUROMIL organised, in Lisbon, a roundtable meeting on the implementation of the EU Working Time Directive (2003/88/EC) in the Southern European armed forces. The implementation of the EU Working Time Directive (WTD) in the armed forces being a concrete issue for the Southern European countries, the …

Defend With Pride
“Defend with Pride”, the new LGBT network of the Irish defence forces, was officially launched on 11 October 2016 with the aim of making the defence forces a more diverse place. The objectives of the network are “to provide support, information and guidance for LGBT personnel and Allies who wish …