HKKF to the New Danish Minister for Defence: We are Ready to Cooperate to Achieve the Grand Visions
On 27 June 2019, Trine Bramsen took office as Denmark’s new Minister for Defence, and on 17 August 2019, she presented her visions for the Danish Defence in a feature article. In the article, she states that she wants to focus on the employees of the Danish Defence, implementation of …

Speech of HKKF President Vinther at EPSU Congress
The HKKF President and EUROMIL Board Member Flemming Vinther delivered a speech at the EPSU Congress in Dublin this year. The full text of the speech is available hereunder. For more information, please contact HKKF. Dear delegates, dear EPSU colleagues I am pleased to note that the basic right to …

EUROMIL Statement on the Situation in Denmark
To support its Danish members CS and HKKF, EUROMIL issued the following statement. Dear colleagues, The European Organisation of Military Associations (EUROMIL) fully supports your struggle for fair wages in the public sector as a whole, and in the military in particular. EUROMIL is an umbrella organisation composed of 34 …

New Agreement for Danish Defence
The Danish government has reached an agreement regarding the Danish Defence for the period 2018-2023. EUROMIL’s Danish members CS and HKKF commented on the deal: CS President: The new Defence Agreement is a positive read, however…. The long awaited Defence Agreement is (finally) published, and according to President of CS Jesper …

United in Military Diversity – How to Accommodate Diverging Military Cultures
On 28 September 2017, EUROMIL together with the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom organised the first event in a tripartite series on overcoming obstacles on the way towards a European Army. The first event focused on the question how working together with military personnel from diverse national military cultures works …
United in Military Diversity – How to Accommodate Diverging Military Cultures
This event is the first in the series “Overcoming Obstacles on the Way Towards a European Army” jointly organised by the Friedrich-Naumann-Foundation for Freedom (FNF) & EUROMIL. Every national military organisation has throughout history developed a unique culture. This is being expressed in terms of the citizen’s and employee’s rights of the …

HKKF Congress: Focus on education and defence agreement
The Union of Enlisted Privates and Corporals in the Danish Army (HKKF) held a congress on 13-15 November. Flemming Vinther was re-elected to his fourth term as Chairman of the Union of Enlisted Privates and Corporals in the Danish Army at HKKF’s congress on 15 November. Flemming Vinther is also …

Recruitment in the Belgian Armed Forces
Abstract – Since January 2014, the Belgian defense has been recruiting at two different levels, after the modification of the statute of the soldiers. On the one hand, defense maintains a professional status (contract until pension), on the other hand it provides to some soldiers a contract for a period …

A Soldier Standing as Candidate for Top Position in the Danish Trade Union Movement
EUROMIL’s Vice-President, Flemming Vinther, is running for the presidency of the Danish Confederation of Trade Unions (LO), when Denmark’s largest employee organisation holds its Congress in October this year. Flemming Vinther is the President of the Union of Enlisted Privates and Corporals in the Danish Army (HKKF). He is now …