PFEARFU Organised An Informative Tour in Northern Greece
Abstract – Between 27-29 November 2019, the Pan-Hellenic Federation of Armed Forces Unions (PFEARFU) organised an informative tour in Northern Greece. The Greek delegation organised a panel discussion in co-operation with the local military associations of Thessaloniki and Eastern Macedonia and Thrace. The subjects discussed were: the salaries, pensions, rank progress of …

PFEARFU Organised An Informative Tour in Lesvos Island
Abstract – Between 12-15 November 2019, the Pan-Hellenic Federation of Armed Forces Unions (PFEARFU) organised an informative tour in Lesvos island. The Greek delegation met with local political and military leadership. They organised a panel discussion and a workshop in co-operation with the local military association to discuss about the problems …

AUME Requests the Suspension of Physical Testing in the Spanish Armed Forces
Abstract – On 3 November 2019, the Spanish military association AUME requested the Minister of Defence to temporarily suspend collective physical unit tests conducted in almost all armed forces units, after a soldier died last Thursday, 31 October 2019 as a result of that test. It is the second known …

ATME and Ciudadanos Discuss Working Conditions
Abstract – On 1 October 2019, a delegation of ATME met with Miguel Ángel Gutiérrez, MP, to discuss the situation of soldiers who have to leave the armed forces at the age of 45. Mr. Gutiérrez Vivas is a member of the Defence Committee of the Spanish Parliament and a …

The President of the Autonomous City of Melilla Welcomes ATME’s Proposals for the Reintegration of Soldiers into Civilian Life
Abstract – In September 2019, a delegation of ATME met with the President of the autonomous City of Melilla to resume talks on measures to the reintegration of soldiers into civilian life. The proposals of the organisation were welcomed by the authorities. These proposals include a dedicated percentage of vacancies in …

PFEARFU Met Greek Deputy Minister of National Defence
Abstract – On Friday, 11 October 2019, PFEARFU held the second formal meeting with the Deputy Minister of National Defence, Mr. Alkiviadis Stefanis. During the meeting the main issues discussed, were the Deputy Minister’s proposal for a new Corps of Non Commissioned Officers, the working time directive, allowances, employee insurance contributions, …

PFEARFU met with Greek Deputy Minister of National Defence
Abstract – On Monday, 26 August 2019 PFEARFU held a formal meeting with the Deputy Minister of National Defence, Mr. Alkiviadis Stefanis. During the meeting the main issue discussed, was the Deputy Minister’s proposal for a new Corps of Non Commissioned Officers. He stressed that there would be a comprehensive social dialogue on …

HKKF to the New Danish Minister for Defence: We are Ready to Cooperate to Achieve the Grand Visions
On 27 June 2019, Trine Bramsen took office as Denmark’s new Minister for Defence, and on 17 August 2019, she presented her visions for the Danish Defence in a feature article. In the article, she states that she wants to focus on the employees of the Danish Defence, implementation of …

Portuguese Ministry of Defence Rules Out Trade Union Rights of Military Associations
Abstract – The military professional associations in Portugal (ANS, AOFA, AP) members of EUROMIL, promoted several events and debates concerning the trade union rights for military, following decisions made public by the European Committee of Social Rights (ECSR). In these events were present different participants and guests including members of …

PFEARFU Met Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Affairs
Abstract – On Thursday, 1 August 2019 PFEARFU, one of EUROMIL’s Greek member associations, held a formal meeting with the Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, Mr. Panagiotis Mitarachi. During the meeting the PFEARFU delegation stressed the issues of the working time directive, pensions and allowances for hazardous duties. The …