NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Tirana, Albania
The 2016 spring session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (NATO PA) took place in Tirana, Albania, from 27 to 30 May 2016. The NATO PA brought together more than 300 parliamentarians from the 28 NATO member countries as well as delegates from partner countries and observers to discuss reports, recommendations …

Ethics in Counter-Terrorism
From 23 to 25 May 2016 the International Society for Military Ethics in Europe (Euro-ISME) organised its 6th Annual Conference in the Akershus Fortress in Oslo. The event, entitled “Ethics in Counter-Terrorism”, was organised in cooperation with the Norwegian Military Staff College and the Norwegian Military Chaplaincy. In previous decades, …

Soldiers Picket Line in Vilnius, Lithuania
On 4, 5 and 6 May EUROMIL’s Lithuanian member association “Soldier Rights Defence Center” (KTGC) organised three picket lines in front of the government building, the Ministry of Defence and the office of the President. At each occasion a delegation of KTGC, headed by Laimonas Jakas, was received by several …

Seeking the Political Holy Grail
Two issues dominated the international political agenda during the last months: The migration flow and its influence on the Schengen zone as well as the terrorist threats we are facing all over Europe these days. No ideal and hundred percent effective solutions! Looking back to the recent European Council decisions …

Roundtable Meeting on Military Trade Unions in Malta
As a follow-up on the first visit of the President of EUROMIL, Emmanuel Jacob, to Malta in February 2016, EUROMIL organised a roundtable meeting on military trade unions in Valletta on 5 April 2016. The President opened the meeting by pointing out that EUROMIL was pleased to be back in …

10 Recommendations of the Security Jam 2016
The Security Jam 2016 was an online brainstorm, organised by Friends of Europe, which from April 25-28 gathered thousands of experts on security, development and human rights from around the world. The 48 VIPs and close to 2500 participants from 131 countries discussed topics such as fighting terrorism and transnational …

EUROMIL held its 113th Presidium Meeting in Podgorica
EUROMIL held its 113th Presidium Meeting in Podgorica, the capital of Montenegro, on 22 and 23 April 2016. Over 60 delegates joined the meeting, representing 26 different EUROMIL member associations from 19 countries. The Presidium, which meets twice a year, is composed of the Board of EUROMIL and one appointed …

President Jacob at General Assembly of N-COACA
The President of EUROMIL, Emmanuel Jacob, was invited by N-COACA to speak at their General Assembly on 7 March 2016. The General Assembly, which took place in Nicosia, was opened by Katerina Markoullidou, the President of N-COACA. Afterwards, President Jacob addressed the assembly, before the Minister of Defence of Cyprus, …

2016 – Still Young but Already Promising
Although we are still at the beginning of 2016, it looks already promising. Important steps towards the creation of united European armed forces At European level, the Dutch Presidency of the Council of the European Union for the first semester 2016 had a promising start. After only one month, on …

EUROMIL looking forward to renewed collaboration with Malta
On 3 February 2016 the President of EUROMIL, Emmanuel Jacob, visited Malta. Since several years the Dependent Soldiers Association (GHDS) has been an observer at EUROMIL. However, a change in Maltese legislation last year opened new opportunities for military personnel. With the amendment of the Malta Armed Forces Act, trade …