Members news

CAOA Looking Ahead

Abstract – CAOA held an extraordinary General Assembly on 29 January 2016. On this occasion, three topics of major importance were discussed in the presence of high-ranking politicians: the officer’s future, pending bills on promotion and consequences of the solution of the Cyprus problem. The Minister of Defence emphasized that …

Members news

We Need More Soldiers

Abstract – CS union representatives express the urgent need for more colleagues in the Danish defence, not only in the army, but also in the navy and the air force. A critical look taken by CS reveals that the numbers confirm the warning. The original text is available hereunder and …

Members news

First Common Declaration of ZVSR with Partners

Abstract – ZVSR, a long-term member of EUROMIL, organised a meeting with other military associations in Slovakia. The participants discussed issues related to the readiness of the armed forces of the Slovak Republic, as well as social security of professional soldiers, including women in uniform, reservists and military retirees. It …

Euromil News

2016 – Still Young but Already Promising

Although we are still at the beginning of 2016, it looks already promising. Important steps towards the creation of united European armed forces At European level, the Dutch Presidency of the Council of the European Union for the first semester 2016 had a promising start. After only one month, on …

Members news

SOVCG Signed Agreement with Ministry of Defence

Abstract – SOVCG signed an agreement with the Montenegrin Ministry of Defence (MoD) on 31 December 2015, which more closely regulates certain mutual rights, obligations and responsibilities of SOVCG and the MoD. Amongst others, the MoD shall provide the conditions for union activities, such as work premises, usage of official …

Members news

Same Duties – Different Treatment?

The Lithuanian armed forces announced a month ago the arrival of 130 US troops. Lithuania will act as a host country and in consequence be obliged to take care of US troop’s meals, accommodation and other necessary logistics. Laimonas Jakas of the Soldier Rights Defense Center (KTGC) explains that this …

Euromil News

EUROMIL looking forward to renewed collaboration with Malta

On 3 February 2016 the President of EUROMIL, Emmanuel Jacob, visited Malta. Since several years the Dependent Soldiers Association (GHDS) has been an observer at EUROMIL. However, a change in Maltese legislation last year opened new opportunities for military personnel. With the amendment of the Malta Armed Forces Act, trade …

Members news

Recruitment in the Belgian Armed Forces

Abstract – Since January 2014, the Belgian defense has been recruiting at two different levels, after the modification of the statute of the soldiers. On the one hand, defense maintains a professional status (contract until pension), on the other hand it provides to some soldiers a contract for a period …

Euromil News

Priorities of the Council of the European Union for the next 18 months

In the first half of 2016, the Netherlands will hold the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. It will be the 12th time for the Dutch to hold the Presidency which is rotating between the member states every six months. The EU Presidency holder usually defines its individual …

Members news

President Girolamo Foti’s 10 Point End-of-Year Speech

Abstract – On 31 December 2015, the President of LR, Girolamo Foti, delivered his end-of-the-year speech in Palermo. He pointed out the achievements of LR over the past 1 ½ years of existence and shared his vision for the future of the association as a driver of change and solidarity. …