Situation in Greece
The Greek association ANEAED published an opinion piece on the impact of the economic crisis on the Greece people in general and the military personnel in particular. The opinion piece is available here. For more information please contact ANEAED .

Colloquium Promoted by AP
In an unprecedented worthy of note initiative, a colloquium about “Military Recruitment – Challenges and Opportunities” organised by the Portuguese association representing soldiers and corporals (Associação de Praças – AP,) took place on 15 February 2017 at the National Defence Institute in Lisbon. The event aimed at promoting the discussion …

Interpretative Communication on the EU Working Time Directive
The European Commission announced to publish an interpretative communication on the EU Working Time Directive (WTD) in March 2017, complementing the European Pillar of Social Rights. The topic of working time regulations is of major importance for EUROMIL and its member associations, which is why the organisation has followed the …

Impact of European Chemical Regulations on the Defence Sector
On 26 January, the European Defence Agency (EDA) published the results of a study which analysed the impact of European chemical regulations on the defence sector. The concrete regulations under examination were the EU’s regulations on Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) and on the Classification, Labelling and …

EUROMIL Invited to Lithuania’s Tripartite Council
On 10 January 2017, EUROMIL’s President Emmanuel Jacob spoke at the meeting of the Tripartite Council of the Lithuanian Republic about military trade unionism. EUROMIL had been invited by Kristina Krupaviciené, the Chairperson of the Tripartite Council. At the Tripartite Council in December 2016, the President of EUROMIL’s Lithuanian member …

EUROMIL Position on the European Pillar of Social Rights
To make the voice of military personnel heard in the consultation process on the European Pillar of Social Rights, EUROMIL did not only answer the questionnaire but also put forward a position paper on the issue. The position paper highlights the importance of the right of association to be implemented …

2016, a remarkable year!
At the end of each year one should take the time to reflect on the past twelve months but also to look ahead at what is on the agenda for the next year. Let’s look at 2016 in a nutshell! The civil war in Syria turned into a proxy war …

Non-Compliance With Law On Right Of Association Of Portuguese Soldiers
Abstract – In August 2001, 19 years after the publication of the LDNFA (National Defence and Armed Forces Law – Law 29/82 of 11 December) and after an intense struggle to amend its article 31 a law was finally published which recognized the right of professional associations for military personnel …

Spanish Military Associations Denounce the Lieutenant General Who Compares Them to Jihadism
On 8 December 2016, the Spanish journal eldiario.es, revealed information concerning the content of a security meeting among the Chief of the ground forces, Lt. Gen. Juan Gómez de Salazar, and other generals, wherein Gómez de Salazar would have compared the possible infiltration of jihadists into the armed forces to …