Euromil News

Armed Forces and Freedom of Religion or Belief

In the framework of the annual OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting, Europe’s largest human rights conference, EUROMIL and the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) jointly organized a side-event on the topic of freedom of religion or belief in the armed forces on 14 September 2017. OSCE …

Members news

Revolt of the Sailors

Abstract – The Portuguese Association of Caporals and Soldiers (AP – Associação de Praças), a member of EUROMIL, along with the Club of Caporals and Soldiers of the Navy (CPA – Clube de Praças da Armada) held a public ceremony at the Civic Center of Feijó on 9 September 2017. …

Euromil News

On Our Watch – Back to Parliament

It’s September so it’s back to Parliament for our MEPs and EUROMIL, as part of the On Our Watch project, has some homework for them! In view of the European Parliament elections of 2019, European Civil Society Organisations have come together to consider achievements of the current Parliament, assess progress …

Euromil News

PESCO? Soon a Reality?

Permanent Structured Cooperation, better known under its acronym PESCO, is almost something as EUROMILLIONS winners: everybody knows that they exist, but nobody knows where and who they are! PESCO is a tool provided by the Lisbon Treaty to change the current patchwork of bilateral and multilateral military cooperation in Europe …

Members news

Review of the Belgian Military Pension System

Abstract – The Belgian government intends to increase the retirement age of the military personnel drastically. In its initial proposal, all soldiers were supposed to serve in the future to at least 63 years and some even up to 67. After months of discussions with the unions, a new proposal …

Euromil News

EUROMIL Statement on the Termination of Contract for Soldiers in Montenegro

Since 2011, EUROMIL is actively engaged in supporting trade union rights in Montenegro. Among its members, EUROMIL counts a Montenegrin association, namely the “Trade Union of Defense and Army of Montenegro” (SOVCG). Further to the change of legislation which granted military personnel trade union rights in 2009, SOVCG was founded …

Euromil News

Tradition of the German Armed Forces

Following on recent scandals within the German armed forces where a young, right wing extremist officer was arrested for planning a terrorist attack and living a double life as a refugee, the debate on German military traditions is high on the agenda. Politicians and high-ranking military officials see the need …

Euromil News

Armed Forces Should Be A Reflection Of The Society They Serve

The President of the United States announced his decision to ban transgender people from service in the armed forces just a day before the start of the “Mission Critical: Inclusive Leadership for the Security Sector” conference organised by the GMF in Washington. The GMF asked participants of the conference on their …

Euromil News

Mission Critical: Inclusive Leadership for the Security Sector

On 27 and 28 July 2017 the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) organised and event entitled “Mission Critical: Inclusive Leadership for the Security Sector” in Washington D.C. in which EUROMIL President Emmanuel Jacob participated. “Mission Critical: Inclusive Leadership for the Security Sector” was “the third convening of …

Members news

Cooperation Of Associations And Trade Unions of Gendarmerie Organisations In Europe

On 13 July 2017, a first meeting took place between associations and trade unions of Gendarmerie organisations from three European countries. At the invitation of the Spanish Asociación Unificada de Guardias Civiles (AUGC), representatives of the Portuguese Associação dos Profissionais da Guarda (APG) and of the Dutch Marechaussee Military Union …