News From Denmark
Photo: Chairman of the Central Association of Permanent Defence Personnel (CS), Denmark, Jesper K. Hansen (right) with a union representative during an demonstration in connection with the collective agreements negotiations in 2018. Uniforms During a demonstration against Corona-related restrictions in two of Denmark’s largest cities; Copenhagen and Aalborg, some of …

Commission on the Defence Forces: Irish Member Associations Highlight Major Challenges
Established in December 2020, the Commission on the Defence Forces (the Commission) is tasked with assessing both the immediate requirements of the Defence Forces, including the Reserve Forces, as well as the longer-term vision for beyond 2030. The Commission is open to public consultation, however, on 16 February 2021, EUROMIL’s …

News from Greece
PFEARFU Secretariat for Gender Equality: Break the Silence – Speak Up, No Tolerance of Gender Violence PFEARFU released an announcement on the 17th of January, 2021 in support of the famous Greek athlete Ms. Sofia Bekatorou’s testimony of the sexual abuse she went through as a sailing champion, at an …

Military Erasmus: An Enabler for further Defence Cooperation
On 18 February 2020, the European Organisation of Military Associations and Trade Unions (EUROMIL), together with Kangaroo Group, co-hosted a lunch debate on “Military Erasmus: an Enabler for further Defence Cooperation” at the European Parliament in Brussels. While enhancing the interoperability of the armed forces of EU Member States is …

Lifeline Ukraine, I’m listening to you!
From 13 to 20 January 2020, the President of EUROMIL, Emmanuel Jacob, visited Ukraine to discuss veteran affairs with different stakeholders Even if EUROMIL at the moment does not count a Ukrainian military association amongst its members, Ukraine remains one of its points of interest. In the summer of 2016, …

Training session and roundtable discussion on the role of military associations and unions in the Balkan countries
EUROMIL organised a training session and roundtable discussion on the role of military associations and unions in the Balkan countries, with a particular focus on social dialogue, on 15 September 2015 in Skopje (FYROM). While the right to freedom of association and related rights are recognised for military personnel in …