The Subcommittee of Defence Finishes the Illusions of the Military Men
Abstract – “PP, PSOE, PNV and UPN” join not to give solution to the scale of Troop and Seamanship”, assures Juan Carlos Tamame, president of the Association of Troop and Spanish Seamanship “ATME”. In this report there is detailed that it is accepted to integrate the laws of Troop neither, …

2nd “Silent Leges Inter Arma?” Conference
From 18 to 21 September 2017, the Belgian Group of the International Society for Military Law and the Law of War (ISMLLW) organised the second ‘Silent leges inter arma?’ conference. This international conference brought together practitioners and academics active in the field of law, security and defence from a wide …

Meeting of the Council of Personnel of Spanish Armed Forces
Abstract – On Friday 22 June 2018, the Council of Personnel of Spanish Armed Forces (COPERFAS) met with the aim of being the first contact between the new MoD Margarita Robles, the new Secretary of Personnel of MoD and the Military associations. The meeting was followed with a good ambient …

Demonstration of Spanish Military Personnel in Front of the Ministry of Defence
On 12 May 2018, four Spanish military associations, amongst which two EUROMIL members (ATME and AUME), organized a large demonstration in the centre of Madrid in front of the Ministry of Defence. The summary of the event can be read here. The supporting statement of EUROMIL is available here. For …

Public Hearing: Soldiers’ rights in EU Member States
On 15 May 2018, EUROMIL President Jacob addressed the members of the Security and Defence (SEDE) Committee of the European Parliament during a public hearing on “Soldiers’ rights in EU Member States”. MEP Clare Moody (S&D, UK), Vice-Chair of the SEDE Committee opened the hearing by pointing out the importance …

Congress of Spanish Soldiers in Madrid
On 24th February, a Congress of Spanish Soldiers, organized by professional associations of AUME and ATME, was held in Madrid. Exercising the right of assembly recognized in the Spanish Constitution to all citizens, it has been a democratic event open to all soldiers regardless of their status of members of …

Interview with Rudolf Schmelzer
Abstract – Deputy Chairman West, Rudolf Schmelzer, is a longtime member of the EUROMIL delegation of the DBwV. In the last weeks, he has arranged appointments with Members of the European Parliament. He exchanged views with inter alia Birgit Collin-Langen, Sabine Verheyen and Elmar Brok (all CDU) as well as …

Social Dialogue in the Armed Forces of Montenegro
EUROMIL was informed on several occasions in the past year by its Montenegrin member association SOVCG about different problems regarding social dialogue and a worsened relationship between the Minister of Defence and SOVCG. On 17 January 2018, EUROMIL’s President Emmanuel Jacob met with the Secretary of State of the Ministry of Defence, …

“Military Rights Day” – National Conference of ASSODIPRO
EUROMIL is close to the problems of the Italian military over trade union rights and better protection for work and health. Italy is the European country with the most sick and dead due to missions or a few jobs on the job. On December 6th the National Conference of our …

EUROMIL Visit at the Armed Forces Disabled Veterans Association
On 5 December 2017, EUROMIL’s President and Project Officer visited the Armed Forces Disabled Veterans Association (ADFA) in Lisbon, Portugal. The visit was arranged by EUROMIL’s Portuguese Board Member A. Lima Coelho, in the context of EUROMIL’s activity plan which foresees greater engagement around veterans (mental) health. ADFA is an …