Roundtable on Military Associations in Tallinn, Estonia
On 23 May 2017, EUROMIL organised a roundtable discussion on military associations in Estonia. As a follow-up to the “Roundtable on the Role of Military Associations and Unions in the Baltic Countries and Eastern Region” organised by EUROMIL in cooperation with OSCE ODIHR in June 2016, EUROMIL now focused on …

EUROMIL And OSCE-ODIHR On Visit In Balkan Region
The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and the European Organisation of Military Associations (EUROMIL) organised from 8 to 11 May 2017 a joint visit to the Balkan region. The delegation composed of Omer Fisher, Head of the Human Rights Department of ODIHR, Ewa Sapiezynska, Human Rights …

EUROMIL Informal Roundtable on Fundamental Rights and Freedoms of Armed Forces Personnel, Pristina
On 3 April 2017, EUROMIL held an informal roundtable on fundamental rights and freedoms of armed forces personnel in Pristina. Together with a limited number of participants from the Ministry for the Kosovo Security Force, the Assembly of Kosovo, the Ombudsperson of Kosovo and other relevant stakeholders, EUROMIL discussed standards, …

Non-Compliance With Law On Right Of Association Of Portuguese Soldiers
Abstract – In August 2001, 19 years after the publication of the LDNFA (National Defence and Armed Forces Law – Law 29/82 of 11 December) and after an intense struggle to amend its article 31 a law was finally published which recognized the right of professional associations for military personnel …

Protection And Rights At The Workplace: Also for Workers in Uniform
On 24 November 2016, ASSODIPRO organised a conference at which political, military, trade union and association representatives, as well as lawyers came together. The conference was an opportunity to celebrate and remember the former President of ASSODIPRO, Emilio Ammiraglia, who passed away last year but dedicated many years of his …

Portuguese Military Associations Denounce Bad Governance And Promise Not To Stand Still
Abstract – On 23 September 2016, three portuguese military associations (ANS, AOFA and AP), all of them full members of EUROMIL, convened a press conference to denounce bad governance and disrespect of the existing laws. The press conference was held in an hotel at the center of Lisbon. The three …

ASSODIPRO Calling for Trade Union Rights
Abstract – Trade union rights for Italian soldiers could have prevented hundreds of deaths from exposure to uranium and asbestos, Salvatore Rullo, President of ASSODIPRO, says. Trade unions can protect soldiers’ safety and health at work. The original text is available here. For further information please contact ASSODIPRO.

Contact with new French Professional Military Associations
On 2 October 2014, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) issued judgements on two cases, namely Matelly vs France and Adefdromil vs France. In both cases a possible violation of article 11 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) was an essential element. Until that moment French soldiers …

Roundtable on the Role of Military Associations and Unions in the Baltic Countries and Eastern Region
On 7 June 2016 in Riga, EUROMIL together with the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) hosted an event on international standards and good practices concerning the human rights of armed forces personnel, including what conditions enable military associations to be effective in safeguarding the rights of …

Soldiers Picket Line in Vilnius, Lithuania
On 4, 5 and 6 May EUROMIL’s Lithuanian member association “Soldier Rights Defence Center” (KTGC) organised three picket lines in front of the government building, the Ministry of Defence and the office of the President. At each occasion a delegation of KTGC, headed by Laimonas Jakas, was received by several …