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European Organisation of Military Association

Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic commemorate 30th anniversary

On January 1, the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic commemorated the 30th anniversary of its establishment. On this occasion, Zuzana Čaputová, President of the Slovak Republic, Commander-in-Chief of the Slovak Armed Forces stated: “In these challenging times, the value of our membership in the North Atlantic Alliance is even more …

The President of EUROMIL comments on Greece’s draft law for military personnel

In the context of the coordinated actions of EUROMIL’s member association P.FE.AR.F.U, the President of EUROMIL, Mr Emmanuel Jacob, expressed his concerns on a specific article of the draft law entitled “Care for the personnel of the Armed Forces, rationalization of the legislation of the Armed Forces, organization of the …

Priorities of the Swedish Presidency of the EU Council

On 1st January 2023, Sweden takes over the Presidency of the EU Council. The six-month Swedish Presidency follows the Czech Republic and France. Those three states together form the presidency trio and share a common program. The Swedish presidency will focus on 4 domains: Security – Unity Resilience – Competitiveness Prosperity …

An overview of the year’s developments in EU defence, and the participation of EUROMIL’s President at EMI European Chats

On 12 December 2022, the President of EUROMIL, Emmanuel Jacob, participated at the European Movement International (EMI) European Chats, to discuss current geopolitical issues, as the war in Ukraine, the strengthening of the EU common, security and defence policy (CSDP), climate change and the Conference on the Future of Europe …

EUROMIL’s Board Members held a meeting with the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Armed Forces of Germany

On 2 December, the Board Members of EUROMIL met with Dr. Högl, Parliamentary Commissioner for the Armed Forces of Germany. They held a fruitful discussion and exchange of views and it was underlined that stronger support for service people is needed. Mrs Dr. Högl congratulated EUROMIL for its excellent work. …

Newsletter from the Central Association of Permanent Defence Personnel (CS)

In November, CS held their ordinary congress, where this year both a Chairman and a Vice Chairman were to be elected. After a few years with vice-chairmen elected in the respective defence groups within their units, it was decided at an extraordinary congress this Spring to have a permanently employed …

News from our German Association, DBwV

The “Yellow Ribbons” campaign The DBwV is giving politicians the opportunity to show members of the Bundeswehr their appreciation as the end of the year approaches. 67 years of the Bundeswehr: Ceremonial pledge on the occasion of the anniversary On November 12, the founding day of the Bundeswehr, young women …

PFEARFU: To the Council of State for transfers of sensitive social groups

The discussion requested by PFEARFU for the injustices contained in the Ministerial Decision on transfers, regarding the staff of special transferability who belong to sensitive social groups, but also regarding the exclusion of the representatives of the active military from the Boards of Transfers, was annulled, despite the provisions of …

PFEARFU: European Forum Athens: PFEARFU’s Gender Equality Secretariat

At the European Forum Athens, it was highlighted that the world is only 155 years away from equality between women and men in the armed forces. That is, 1,860 months, 55,800 days, or 1,339,200 hours. This estimate comes from data collected jointly by the European Parliament’s Research Service, UN Women …

2022: A year of European Defence

EUROMIL co-organized with Egmont- the Royal Institute for International Relations, an expert discussion on 2022, a year of European defence. This seminar aims to critically assess the EU’s achievements in the field of defence over the past year, to recommend ways forward, and to analyse what the implications are for …

EUROMIL at the 21st Berlin Security Conference

The Berlin Security Conference took place on 30 November and 01 December, this year’s topic focused on Europe and NATO, directions for action. EUROMIL participated as logo partner.  As it was the first Security Conference that took place after Russia’s unjustified aggression against Ukraine, the discussions focused on Western support …

68th Annual Session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly – Madrid

From 18 to 21 November 2022 the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (NATO PA) gathered for its 68th Annual Session in Madrid, Spain. In June 2022, Madrid hosted NATO’s transformative Summit and adopted, among others, the Strategic Concept. Just some months later, the Cortes Generales hosted the NATO Parliamentary Assembly’s Annual Session …

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