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European Organisation of Military Association

Supporting Ukraine: EUROMIL’s meeting with PromoteUkraine

On 30 May, EUROMIL met with a delegation of veterans of Promote Ukraine, a non-profit civil society and advocacy organization for Ukraine. The meeting was welcomed by Emmanuel Jacob, EUROMIL’s President, who highlighted how EUROMIL in the past had Ukrainian and Russian organisations as members. In 2017, contact was re-established …

The EU should focus on building a common military culture

A common culture is defined as a group of people who share similar beliefs, values and behaviours, language or cultural heritage. EU Members states, despite their historical or linguistic differences have succeeded in becoming stronger when working together and be united in diversity. Building a common military culture though is …

Conference – Portugal and its Armed Forces: What is the Role of the Armed Forces in Portuguese Society?

Promoted by the Professional Military Associations (the ANS – National Sergeants’ Association, the AOFA – Armed Forces Officers’ Association and the AP – Enlisted Association), a conference was held on the theme “Portugal and its Armed Forces – What role does the Armed Forces play in Portuguese Society?“, at the …

Members News – Italian Session: ASSODIPRO as unifying force among Italian trade unions

Recently, the EUROMIL’s General Assembly took place in Rome, featuring a dedicated session focused on Italy. Numerous representatives and managers from trade unions authorized by the Ministry of Defense attended the event. A prevailing concern among all participants was the inadequacy of the law on representation No. 46/2022. While everyone …

The EU should not miss the chance of a timely implementation of the Strategic Compass

The Strategic Compass, adopted in March 2022, represents a first EU “white paper” on defence, providing guidelines for the EU and the Member States to adapt and respond to the new geopolitical environment. The document aims to make the EU and the Member States capable to respond to the challenges …

Spring Session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly – Luxembourg

From 19 to 22 May 2023, the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (NATO PA) gathered for its Spring Session in Luxembourg. The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, founding member of NATO and staunch advocate of its shared values, welcomed over 250 NATO parliament members and more than 100 representatives from 16 partner countries …

The interconnected relationship between Climate Change and the Military Sector

According to Newton’s Third Law “for every action, there is an equal but opposite reaction”, a relation that can also be applicable in the way the Armed Forces interact with climate change and vice versa. Firstly, it is important to note that the military sector is huge greenhouse gas emitter …

EuroISME: The Future of Military Ethics

The International Society for Military Ethics in Europe (EuroISME) provides a forum for the analysis, development and sharing of best practice in the area of professional military ethics, across and beyond the European defence community. As the first organization in the area of professional military ethics where scientists, academic professors, …

Italian Military Unions meet the Minister of Defence

On Monday 8 May, the Minister of Defence met with the Military Professional Unions (APCSM). The meeting was attended by Secretary-General Massimiliano Zetti, assisted by the Assistant Secretary-General Roberto Di Stefano from Nuovo Sindacato Carabinieri (NSC). Secretary General Massimiliano Zetti reported that Minister Crosetto agreed on the need to move …

The Right of Association in the Armed Forces – Citizen in Uniform

EUROMIL, as the European Organisation of military associations and trade unions is first and foremost aiming at the respect for and the application of human rights and fundamental freedoms in and by the European Armed Forces. EUROMIL’s essential consideration is that a soldier should be treated as a “citizen in …

News from Germany

Königsbronn talks: “Now the window of opportunity is there for us to grab it”. Königsbronn talks are a well-known tradition for the German security sector and the education forum of the DBwV is one of the organisers. The discussions were driven by the war in the Ukraine but nevertheless important …

The Association of Soldiers of the Slovak Republic (ZV SR) has several options at different levels through which it can fulfil its missions

It is a long period, during which a strong mutual symbiosis has been created between our Association of Soldiers of the Slovak Republic (ZV SR) and EUROMIL. During this period, EUROMIL showed support to our association in all available forms. President of EUROMIL personally participated several times in important negotiations …

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