Heinz Volland Passed Away
We are deeply saddened by the loss of Heinz Volland, who passed away at the age of 98. Mr. Volland was one of the founding fathers of EUROMIL in 1972 and since 2005 honorary member of EUROMIL. In his capacity as President of the German Armed Forces Association (DBwV) from …

Inclusive Security Forces: Lifting the Taboos
The following article was written by EUROMIL in the framework of this year’s Debating Security Plus debate on LGBTI Rights in the security Sector and first published on Friends of Europe’s “Europe’s World” platform. Voters went to the polls from 23 to 26 May 2019 to elect their representatives to the …

NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Bratislava, Slovakia
The 2019 spring session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (NATO PA) took place in the ancient halls of Bratislava Castle (Slovakia) from 31 May to 3 June 2019. “We come together at the convergence of three significant anniversaries” Madeleine Moon, NATO PA President, said. “NATO’s 70th anniversary and the 15th …

Court of Justice of the European Union Ruled on Implementation of Working Time Directive
On 14 May 2019, the Court of Justice of the European Union published a new judgment regarding the implementation of the Working Time Directive (WTD). The case In the present case, a Spanish trade union (CCOO) complained about the practice of the a German firm (Deutsche Bank) towards Spanish employees, …

EUROMIL Position Paper on Recruitment and Retention
Several trends have influenced the recruitment of personnel of the European armed forces during the last years. Firstly, during the last decades, European armed forces were steadily downsized. In the context of the so-called peace-dividend which was expected after the end of the Cold War, European governments reduced their defence …

119th EUROMIL Presidium in Bucharest
On 12 April 2019, about 70 delegates from 21 member and observer associations of EUROMIL came to Bucharest, Romania, for the 119th Presidium Meeting. EUROMIL holds Presidium Meetings twice every year. The Presidium approves the policy of the Board and provides impetus for the prospective further development of EUROMIL policy. …

Promoting The Role of Women In The Military – Breaking Gender Stereotypes
On 6 March 2019, EUROMIL, together with MEP Hilde Vautmans (ALDE, Belgium) hosted an event on “Promoting the role of women in the military – Breaking gender stereotypes” in the European Parliament. In her opening remarks, MEP Vautmans set out the background and aim of the event. With women making-up …

The Italian Opportunity to Introduce Real Trade Unionism in the Armed Forces!
On 28 February 2019, EUROMIL organised in close collaboration with CGIL, FICIESSE and its longstanding Italian member association ASSODIPRO a conference on trade unionism in the Italian armed forces after the judgment of the Constitutional Court of June 2018. Arriving in Rome on 27 February 2019 EUROMIL’s President Emmanuel Jacob …

Social Dimension of European Defence: Interview with the Vice President of Strategikon and CEO of Smartlink, Radu Magdin
In the past years, a huge emphasis has been put on the security and defence in Europe. New asymmetric threats such as terrorism, cyber-attacks, organised crime, human trafficking, and disinformation campaigns made security one of the biggest preoccupations of EU citizens. Nevertheless, when thinking of the EU defence sector, its …

The Right to Strike: Like a Bull in a China Shop?
Let me start this article by summarizing in a few lines what EUROMIL is all about. EUROMIL is committed to the principle of “Citizen in Uniform” and particularly demands (1) equal rights and treatment of soldiers, (2) the right of servicemen and -women to form and join trade unions and …