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2020 Annus Horribilis?

Traditionally, at the end of the year, we look back at the past 12 months and try to look ahead to what the new year might have in store for us. At the end of 2019, we did so in an article entitled “More of the same in 2020?”. No …

Members news

Still In The Shadow of COVID-19

From the Central Association of Permanent Defence Personnel (CS), Denmark: Everything is still affected by Covid 19. Employees from the Danish Emergency Management Agency and the Home Guard help in test centers and call centers due to COVID-19. In this context, the Danish Emergency Management Agency has employed approx. 200 …

Members news

News from Germany

Status report Afghanistan At the moment 1250 German soldiers are on duty in the foreign mission of the Bundeswehr “Resolute Support”. According to recent press releases, the last 100 German soldiers have left the Kunduz region. The Federal Chairman of the German Armed Forces Association, André Wüstner, warns that lessons …

Members news

Military Salaries and Pensions in Greece

Abstract –  EUROMILs Greek member association, PFEARFU, welcomes the decision of the Minister of National Defence who decided the salary restoration of a specific category of NCOs. This proposal was one of the main positions of PFEARFU. Furthermore, PFEARFU, in cooperation with the Ministry of Labor and the social security …

Euromil News

Creation Of The First UK Independent Defence Authority

EUROMIL was informed that on 1 December 2020, the first Independent Defence Authority in the United Kingdom (UK) has been created. This is the first initiative to represent military personnel in the UK through an independent body. The mission of the Independent Defence Authority is to provide more cost effective …

Euromil News

Numbers of Military Personnel – Personnel Strength of European Armed Forces

EUROMIL observed in the past months and years that European armed forces are reducing the numbers of their personnel and / or have problems to recruit enough young people to fill their ranks. In autumn 2020, EUROMIL decided to take a step back and analyse the underlying political and military …

Euromil News

The Role of Military Trade Unions in Tackling Discrimination in the Armed Forces

On 18 November 2020, EUROMIL held an online discussion on “The role of military trade unions in tackling discrimination in the armed forces”. The principles of equality and non-discrimination are enshrined in international standards and legislation. At the European Union (EU) level, these principles are foreseen in EU Treaties and …

Members news

PFEARFU Concerned about Gender Equality in Greece

Abstract – Following the publication of the data announced by the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE), the data for Greece are not at all encouraging. The Gender Equality Index is a unique unit of measurement, which measures the progress of gender equality in the EU over time and each …

Euromil News

12 ICOAF: Impact of COVID-19 on Ombuds Institutions for the Armed Forces

Since its first meeting in Berlin in 2009, EUROMIL participates at the yearly meetings of the International Conference of Ombuds Institutions for the Armed Forces (ICOAF). Among the participants, EUROMIL is one of the rare participants not being an Ombuds Institution. Due to the ongoing pandemic, the 12th ICOAF planned …

Members news

German Federal President Honours Achievements of Soldiers

The Bundeswehr is celebrating its 65th birthday in November this year. A couple of months ago, nobody expected the German Armed Forces to be involved in a fight on multiple fronts against an invisible enemy – but right now this has become reality for the Bundeswehr: These days, a total …