Members news

The Lack of Correlation Between Tasks and Resources in the Danish Military

In Denmark, the employees of the military pay the price when the politicians want to compensate for not spending enough money in the defense budget. One of the big topics of discussion in Denmark during the summer has been whether Denmark should increase the defense-budget to the promised two percent …

Members news

AUME Requested Removal of Chief Executive of Personnel

Abstract – AUME requested, last 7th of September, to the chief executive of personnel in the Armed Forces, to be removed of his responsibilities after blocking the different proposals made by the main professional Associations members of the COPERFAS (Council of personnel of the Armed Forces) for being accepted as …

Euromil News

2nd “Silent Leges Inter Arma?” Conference

From 18 to 21 September 2017, the Belgian Group of the International Society for Military Law and the Law of War (ISMLLW) organised the second ‘Silent leges inter arma?’ conference. This international conference brought together practitioners and academics active in the field of law, security and defence from a wide …

Members news

A New Plan of Action for the Modernisation of the German Armed Forces

Abstract – The minister of defence presented her plan of action for the modernisation of the German Armed Forces, which grants more money for new material and personnel. According to the plan the main problems, which should be tackled are the modernisation of existing structures and the definition of new …

Members news

Discussion About Reinstatement of General Conscription or Official Duty in Germany

Abstract – Since July 2011 the general conscription in Germany is suspended. During the summertime the discussion came up weather to reinstate the general conscription or introduce an official duty for all young citizens. The mandatory duty is supposed to increase the social responsibility of the youth. There are severe judicial …

Members news

DBwV Moves into New Office

Abstract – On Wednesday the 12th September the DBwV celebrated their move-in into the new office on Stresemannstraße 57. Several high-ranked guests joined the celebration, including the minister of defence Ursula von der Leyen and the Generalinspektor of the German Armed Forces Eberhard Zorn. The representatives of EUROMIL already had …

Euromil News

Freedom of Speech and Expression in the Armed Forces

Experts and representatives of armed forces, defence ministries, military trade unions and professional associations from a range of OSCE participating States shared experiences and good practices in protecting armed forces’ right to freedom of expression while ensuring operational effectiveness at an event held on 17 September 2018, on the margins …

Euromil News

European Commission on CSDP Missions and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

In the aftermath of the event “Increasing European Collaboration in PTSD Research” organised by EUROMIL in March 2018 in the European Parliament, MEP Clare Moody (S&D, UK) addressed a written question to the European Commission. She inquired about a possible duty of care the European institutions have towards military personnel …

Euromil News

Update: Two Greek Soldiers Arrested by Turkey Released

The two Greek soldiers who had been arrested by Turkey since March 2018 have been released on 14 August 2018. EUROMIL is pleased that the diplomatic efforts finally succeeded. During the past months, EUROMIL supported its Greek member associations and issued this statement on the issue: “Since March 2018, two …

Members news

Soldiers of Tomorrow

What is important for the young men and women we want to bring into the military today and tomorrow? And what counts for them so that they want to stay for a sufficiently long time? How should defence organizations respond to their expectations and aspirations? The young men and women …