AUME Elects New Board for 2021-2024
On 9 May 2021 AUME held its Annual General Assembly with the election of a new Board, which left integrated by following ten members: Secretary-General Iñaki Unibaso, Iván Alcántara (Secretary of Organization), Rafael Cabañas (Secretary of Finances), Fidel Gómez, José Luis Rugeros, José Vicente Maleno, Raúl Lorente, Alejandro Gutiérrez, Miguel …

The Same Duties, The Same Risks?
As the COVID-19 pandemic approaches one year since its initial outbreak, a glimmer of hope has appeared on the horizon: the rollout of vaccines across EU Member States, in December 2020, is a bright light at the end of what was an incredibly dark year. Giving her official approval before …

Strategic Plan And Reform Of Pension System: Totally Incompatible
The Belgian government adopted a strategic vision for its armed forces last summer. This document lays down the missions, force structure and capital investments for the period until 2030. A few months after the publication of this plan, the government decided to dramatically increase the retirement age of the military …