Speech of HKKF President Vinther at EPSU Congress
The HKKF President and EUROMIL Board Member Flemming Vinther delivered a speech at the EPSU Congress in Dublin this year. The full text of the speech is available hereunder. For more information, please contact HKKF. Dear delegates, dear EPSU colleagues I am pleased to note that the basic right to …

The Danish Defence-Budget Increases: CS Recommends More Employees
Abstract – In the beginning of February 2019, it was announced that the Danish government will increase the defence budget. The Danish defence budget gets added a total of an additional 4,5 billion Kroner (approx. 600 million Euro). CS President Jesper K. Hansen hopes the added money will be used to …

CS Presidents Congress Speech Was A Call To Politicians To Take The Strain On Employees In Danish Defence Seriously
CS (Danish Central Association of Permanent Defence Personnel) had their Congress on the 9th and the 10th of November. CS President Jesper K. Hansen’s opening speech on the Congress was directly targeted towards the Danish politicians and the commanding officers in the Danish defence. The Danish defence has the same …

The Lack of Correlation Between Tasks and Resources in the Danish Military
In Denmark, the employees of the military pay the price when the politicians want to compensate for not spending enough money in the defense budget. One of the big topics of discussion in Denmark during the summer has been whether Denmark should increase the defense-budget to the promised two percent …

Denmark: Soldiers on the Front Line in the Fight for Public Sector Collective Agreements
On 4 June, public sector employees in Denmark got new collective agreements. A large majority of trade union members voted in favour of the agreements, which came about after historically long negotiations that put the negotiating parties on the verge of a major labour dispute. Danish soldiers played an active …

EUROMIL Statement on the Situation in Denmark
To support its Danish members CS and HKKF, EUROMIL issued the following statement. Dear colleagues, The European Organisation of Military Associations (EUROMIL) fully supports your struggle for fair wages in the public sector as a whole, and in the military in particular. EUROMIL is an umbrella organisation composed of 34 …

New Agreement for Danish Defence
The Danish government has reached an agreement regarding the Danish Defence for the period 2018-2023. EUROMIL’s Danish members CS and HKKF commented on the deal: CS President: The new Defence Agreement is a positive read, however…. The long awaited Defence Agreement is (finally) published, and according to President of CS Jesper …

Top Leadership Changes in Danish Defence
The Danish Defence welcomes a new Minister of Defence and a new Chief of Defence ahead of important political negotiations in 2017 On 10 January 2017, the Danish Armed Forces will have a new chief as Lieutenant General Bjørn Bisserup succeeds General Peter Bartram as Chief of Defence. Meanwhile, a …

Danish defence participated in the Copenhagen Pride
The Copenhagen Pride is not just a party for gay people, but a celebration of diversity, tolerance and the right of everyone to be him/herself. On Saturday, 15 August 2015, representatives from the Danish Defence participated in the parade to show that there is room for diversity in the Danish …