ATME Obtains Sentence that Annuls the Resolutions on Exonerations of Guards, Services and Manoeuvres
Abstract – The Legal Cabinet of ATME “Hebrero y Asociados” has obtained a sentence that annuls the resolutions of the Chief Colonel of the RAMIX 32 and the Commander in Chief of the General Commander Melilla. The full article is available hereunder. For more information, please contact ATME. Con fecha …

ATME Resorts to Tribunals to Claim the Right of Soldiers Overtime Compensation
Abstract – The Association of Troop and Spanish Seamanship a Contentious Administrative officer has interposed, across his juridical office, in the Top Court of Justice of the Valencian Community. The denunciation is based on an excess of schedule of 646,5h on the year 2017 without any extras perceives economic compensation. …

ATME Demands Improved Armed Forces Wages
Abstract – From the Association of Troop and Spanish Seamanship there is requested that the wages of the FAS treat each other as a state matter, with independence of the political sways and false electoral promises. The members of the FAS continue being the worse remunerated government employees, as it …

The Subcommittee of Defence Finishes the Illusions of the Military Men
Abstract – “PP, PSOE, PNV and UPN” join not to give solution to the scale of Troop and Seamanship”, assures Juan Carlos Tamame, president of the Association of Troop and Spanish Seamanship “ATME”. In this report there is detailed that it is accepted to integrate the laws of Troop neither, …

Demonstration of Spanish Military Personnel in Front of the Ministry of Defence
On 12 May 2018, four Spanish military associations, amongst which two EUROMIL members (ATME and AUME), organized a large demonstration in the centre of Madrid in front of the Ministry of Defence. The summary of the event can be read here. The supporting statement of EUROMIL is available here. For …

Statement of EUROMIL in Support of the Demonstration Organised by Spanish Military Associations on 12 May 2018
The European Organisation of Military Associations (EUROMIL) fully supports the demonstration jointly organised by 5 Spanish military associations, namely AUME, ATME, AMTM, UMT and 45 Sin Despidos, to claim their rights in front of the Ministry of Defence on 12 May 2018. To read the statement of EUROMIL in support …

Congress of Spanish Soldiers in Madrid
On 24th February, a Congress of Spanish Soldiers, organized by professional associations of AUME and ATME, was held in Madrid. Exercising the right of assembly recognized in the Spanish Constitution to all citizens, it has been a democratic event open to all soldiers regardless of their status of members of …

MARÍA DOLORES DE COSPEDAL Defends To Equalize Salary of the Military with the Police Officer
Abstract – The Minister of Defence in her speech on Easter Day forgot to delve into another topic of great importance: the aspirations of a whole scale for its full professionalisation. The original article can be found below. For more information, please contact ATME. La ministra de Defensa, María Dolores de Cospedal …

ATME Wishlist for 2018
Abstract – The end of temporality, the re-employment, compensation update and official qualifications/certifications, are the essential performance of face ATME program points to the new year. The original article is available here. For more information, please contact ATME.

Family and Work: Major Challenge in the Spanish Armed Forces
Family conciliation, one of the most serious problems faced by the troop and seamanship scale The case of a soldier who has managed to get a judge to recognize her right not to have guards to take care of her daughter has set a precedent for which we must fight. …