First Meeting with the New Belgian Minister of Defence
On 27 October 2020 the Belgian trade unions had a first encounter with Ms Ludivine Dedonder, who took the oath on 1 October 2020 as the first female Minister of Defence of Belgium. In view of the corona restrictions in place, the meeting with the minister was organised online. ‘Our’ …

The Brain Drain in the Belgian Military
Abstract – The Belgian armed forces annually face a loss of both male and female military personnel. Many issues, such as the archaic legacy system and the choice to start a family in the current military situation, play a major role in military-career choices. The Belgian armed forces today are losing talent. …

How to Recruit Within the Generation Z
Many European defence organizations are struggling with a recruitment problem. They are unable to fill in the required workforce strength with a sufficient number of young recruits. A poorly executed recruitment campaign is often at the origin of this problem. But how can a recruiting campaign work? Bridging the generation …

Soldiers of Tomorrow
What is important for the young men and women we want to bring into the military today and tomorrow? And what counts for them so that they want to stay for a sufficiently long time? How should defence organizations respond to their expectations and aspirations? The young men and women …

Deployment-related Mental Health Support for the Belgian Military
Abstract – Mental health is just as important for serviceman and women as military readiness and physical fitness. The current mental health approach of the Belgian armed forces is suboptimal and needs to be improved. The in-theatre and the post-deployment care need profound adjustments. Among other things, the assistance for disorders …

Review of the Belgian Military Pension System
Abstract – The Belgian government intends to increase the retirement age of the military personnel drastically. In its initial proposal, all soldiers were supposed to serve in the future to at least 63 years and some even up to 67. After months of discussions with the unions, a new proposal …

Strategic Plan And Reform Of Pension System: Totally Incompatible
The Belgian government adopted a strategic vision for its armed forces last summer. This document lays down the missions, force structure and capital investments for the period until 2030. A few months after the publication of this plan, the government decided to dramatically increase the retirement age of the military …

Belgian Military Trade Unions Demonstrate Against Raise Of Pension Age
In mid-October 2016, the Belgian government abolished the current pension system of military personnel without consultations. The new system foresees a raise of retirement age from currently 56 to 63 years by 2030, and eventually to 67 years. The impact for military personnel would be disastrous, especially because of blocked …

Recruitment in the Belgian Armed Forces
Abstract – Since January 2014, the Belgian defense has been recruiting at two different levels, after the modification of the statute of the soldiers. On the one hand, defense maintains a professional status (contract until pension), on the other hand it provides to some soldiers a contract for a period …

The Belgian Defence Strategic Plan: A Complex Jigsaw Puzzle
In April 2015, the Belgian Ministry of Defence will present its Strategic Plan for the next 15 years. The military trade union ACMP-CGPM warned the Minister of Defence against some important aspects for the future. The main difficulty is the financial instability. The Belgian Defence has been struggling with a …