Members news

PFEARFU: To the Council of State for transfers of sensitive social groups

The discussion requested by PFEARFU for the injustices contained in the Ministerial Decision on transfers, regarding the staff of special transferability who belong to sensitive social groups, but also regarding the exclusion of the representatives of the active military from the Boards of Transfers, was annulled, despite the provisions of …

Members news

PFEARFU: European Forum Athens: PFEARFU’s Gender Equality Secretariat

At the European Forum Athens, it was highlighted that the world is only 155 years away from equality between women and men in the armed forces. That is, 1,860 months, 55,800 days, or 1,339,200 hours. This estimate comes from data collected jointly by the European Parliament’s Research Service, UN Women …

Members news

PFEARFU: Military personnel exposure to the dangerous and carcinogenic material asbestos

PFEARFU returns to the -already raised- subject of the exposure of military personnel to the dangerous and carcinogenic material asbestos. Greek Armed Forces personnel (both permanent and conscript personnel) was given the order to work at a facility granted by the Air Force. Α delayed control carried out by a …

Members news

Portuguese associations meeting in Lisbon

Last Friday, the 4th of November, in a meeting in Lisbon, at the office of ANS, with AOFA, AP, ASPP (police trade union) and APG (GNR association), a joint initiative for the 19th of November was decided. Update expected at the 19th of November. In the picture, from left to right: …

Members news

Portugal: State Budget 2023, Military demand “fair pay” and “right to collective bargaining

On the eve of the start of the general debate on the proposed State Budget for 2023, about two hundred military gathered in Terreiro do Paço, in front of the Ministry of Finance, in what they called a “public tribune” to express their dissatisfaction. Professional military associations representing officers, sergeants …

Members news

ANS: Proposal for salary revision for Sergeants presented at the National Defense Commission of the Portuguese Parliament

The President and the three vice-presidents of the ANS Board, respectively, António Lima Coelho, Rogério Graça (Navy), Carlos Colaço (Army) and Norberto Mateus (Air Force) were received on October 26, in an audience at the National Defense Committee of the Assembly of the Republic, for the presentation and defense of …

Members news

Ireland: Post 1994 Sergeants – Enforced Retirement

Speaking today,  Ger Guinan, General Secretary of PDFORRA stated: “Members have lived in hope since last year that their contracts would be finalised in a fair manner. Unfortunately, here we are 10 months later with Christmas fast approaching and members still do not have clarity as to whether they will …

Members news

PFEARFU: Alarming increase in the “Morbidity Index” among Armed Forces personnel

PEARFU sounds the alarm of health issues of the Armed Forces due to the aggressive increase of the “Morbidity Index”, in recent years.  It briefly exposes the causes of the increased morbidity (frequent permutations, lack of staff, frequent job rotation, assignment of duties without previous training and aged staff) and …

Members news

ASSODIPRO – 30 years celebration in Italy

On 14 September 2022, Assodipro celebrated its 30th anniversary. Thirty years of commitment to defending and supporting the Italian military and their families. The celebration, held in Rimini, honoured great men such as former Assodipro’s President Emilio Ammiraglia and Admiral Falco Accame, for his battles against depleted uranium and military …

Members news

PFEARFU: Protest Rally at the 86th Thessaloniki International Fair; We continue our fight!

A joint protest rally and march from the White Tower to the Deputy Ministry of Macedonia-Thrace was held by the Federations of the Security Forces and the Armed Forces, on the afternoon of September 9, 2022, on the occasion of the opening of the 86th International Fair of Thessaloniki and …