DBwV Participation at BSC
Abstract – The DBwV participated in the BSC Berlin Security Conference 2018. The topic was the security and defense of Europe in the current situation. There were wide discussions, what the Bundeswehr and the other European armies can and shall do, but the approximately 1.5 million soldiers, their concerns and …

European Cooperation: Meeting between DBwV and AFMP
Abstract – Representatives of the DBwV and AFMP met in Lohheide, where the German-Dutch Tank Battalion 414 is stationed, to explore forms of cooperation. The meeting aimed at introducing the representatives of the Dutch military association to their local DBwV counterparts. Participants discussed how further cooperation between the German and Dutch …

2017 Congress at SAMO, the Swedish Association for Military Officers
Every three years, the Swedish Association for Military Officers, SAMO, invites their members to a congress where a new board of direction is elected and an action plan, the course of action, is determined for the upcoming three years. During the meeting, delegates from all the military units in Sweden …

Family and Work: Major Challenge in the Spanish Armed Forces
Family conciliation, one of the most serious problems faced by the troop and seamanship scale The case of a soldier who has managed to get a judge to recognize her right not to have guards to take care of her daughter has set a precedent for which we must fight. …

“Military Rights Day” – National Conference of ASSODIPRO
EUROMIL is close to the problems of the Italian military over trade union rights and better protection for work and health. Italy is the European country with the most sick and dead due to missions or a few jobs on the job. On December 6th the National Conference of our …

DBwV-Congress: All eyes on Europe
From a European point of view the timing of the Congress of the German Armed Forces Association (DBwV) could not have been better: Exactly on the same day as the delegates arrived in Berlin, Germany and 22 other EU member states decided on closer military cooperation. During an official ceremony …

Taking Care of Members in Missions Abroad
Abstract – The German Armed Forces Association (DBwV) has implemented a system of point of contacts in missions abroad. The points of contacts are working on a voluntary basis and help and support members of the association deployed in a mission. Those contact persons are extensively briefed about their rights …

Cyprus: Cybersecurity, PESCO and Military Erasmus
CYBERSECURITY AND PROTECTION OF CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURES SEMINAR The Cyprus Army Officers Association (CAOA) in cooperation with the global organization Deloitte, organized a “Cybersecurity and Protection of Critical Infrastructures” seminar at the 25th of October 2017 in Nicosia, as part of the events hosted by Deloitte for the European Month of …

XIXth Meeting of the Leadership of Representative Organizations of Professional Soldiers and Military Pensioners of the Visegrad Group Countries
On 3-6 October 2017 Polish KONWENT organized the XIXth Meeting of the leadership of representative organizations of professional soldiers and military pensioners of the Visegrad Group countries. During the meeting, under the auspices of Under-Secretary of State in MOD PhD Wojciech Fałkowski, took part the following representatives from: Honvédszakszervezet from …

The Local Representatives of ATME Meet to Coordinate Working Methods
Abstract – The Board of the Spanish Troop and Navy Association (ATME) met with local representatives to discuss the working method of the association. They exchanged ideas in order to improve their coordination, relationship with partner institutions and address the future of the association. The result was frankly positive, since …