Members news

A New Plan of Action for the Modernisation of the German Armed Forces

Abstract – The minister of defence presented her plan of action for the modernisation of the German Armed Forces, which grants more money for new material and personnel. According to the plan the main problems, which should be tackled are the modernisation of existing structures and the definition of new …

Members news

Discussion About Reinstatement of General Conscription or Official Duty in Germany

Abstract – Since July 2011 the general conscription in Germany is suspended. During the summertime the discussion came up weather to reinstate the general conscription or introduce an official duty for all young citizens. The mandatory duty is supposed to increase the social responsibility of the youth. There are severe judicial …

Members news

DBwV Moves into New Office

Abstract – On Wednesday the 12th September the DBwV celebrated their move-in into the new office on Stresemannstraße 57. Several high-ranked guests joined the celebration, including the minister of defence Ursula von der Leyen and the Generalinspektor of the German Armed Forces Eberhard Zorn. The representatives of EUROMIL already had …

Members news

Soldiers of Tomorrow

What is important for the young men and women we want to bring into the military today and tomorrow? And what counts for them so that they want to stay for a sufficiently long time? How should defence organizations respond to their expectations and aspirations? The young men and women …

Members news

What’s happening in Lithuania?

Abstract – The President of AFMP, Anne-Marie Snels, was on a working visit in Lithuania, where she visited deployed Dutch military personnel. In her column, she writes about what she saw and heard in Lithuania and suggests concrete solutions for the existing problems: While the weather conditions in Lithuania are …

Members news

Denmark: Soldiers on the Front Line in the Fight for Public Sector Collective Agreements

On 4 June, public sector employees in Denmark got new collective agreements. A large majority of trade union members voted in favour of the agreements, which came about after historically long negotiations that put the negotiating parties on the verge of a major labour dispute. Danish soldiers played an active …

Members news

Meeting of the Council of Personnel of Spanish Armed Forces

Abstract – On Friday 22 June 2018, the Council of Personnel of Spanish Armed Forces (COPERFAS) met with the aim of being the first contact between the new MoD Margarita Robles, the new Secretary of Personnel of MoD and the Military associations. The meeting was followed with a good ambient …

Members news

25th Anniversary of ZV SR

The Festive Meeting of the 25th Anniversary of creating ZV SR (the Association of the Professional Soldiers and the Military Retirees of the Slovak Republic) was held on 22 May 2018 in Military Garrison Club of the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic in Trenčín. Almost one hundred members of …

Members news

Demonstration of Spanish Military Personnel in Front of the Ministry of Defence

On 12 May 2018, four Spanish military associations, amongst which two EUROMIL members (ATME and AUME), organized a large demonstration in the centre of Madrid in front of the Ministry of Defence. The summary of the event can be read here. The supporting statement of EUROMIL is available here. For …

Members news

Congress of Spanish Soldiers in Madrid

On 24th February, a Congress of Spanish Soldiers, organized by professional associations of AUME and ATME, was held in Madrid. Exercising the right of assembly recognized in the Spanish Constitution to all citizens, it has been a democratic event open to all soldiers regardless of their status of members of …