Members news

Conference – Portugal and its Armed Forces: What is the Role of the Armed Forces in Portuguese Society?

Promoted by the Professional Military Associations (the ANS – National Sergeants’ Association, the AOFA – Armed Forces Officers’ Association and the AP – Enlisted Association), a conference was held on the theme “Portugal and its Armed Forces – What role does the Armed Forces play in Portuguese Society?“, at the …

Members news

Members News – Italian Session: ASSODIPRO as unifying force among Italian trade unions

Recently, the EUROMIL’s General Assembly took place in Rome, featuring a dedicated session focused on Italy. Numerous representatives and managers from trade unions authorized by the Ministry of Defense attended the event. A prevailing concern among all participants was the inadequacy of the law on representation No. 46/2022. While everyone …

Euromil News

Spring Session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly – Luxembourg

From 19 to 22 May 2023, the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (NATO PA) gathered for its Spring Session in Luxembourg. The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, founding member of NATO and staunch advocate of its shared values, welcomed over 250 NATO parliament members and more than 100 representatives from 16 partner countries …

Members news

Italian Military Unions meet the Minister of Defence

On Monday 8 May, the Minister of Defence met with the Military Professional Unions (APCSM). The meeting was attended by Secretary-General Massimiliano Zetti, assisted by the Assistant Secretary-General Roberto Di Stefano from Nuovo Sindacato Carabinieri (NSC). Secretary General Massimiliano Zetti reported that Minister Crosetto agreed on the need to move …

Euromil News

EUROMIL’s “Italian Session”: The Struggle for Trade Union Rights for Military Personnel

On April 27th 2023, EUROMIL hosted an “Italian session” at the Centre Congressi Frentani in Rome. The event brought together members of EUROMIL’s 127th General Assembly and about 45 representatives from Italian military associations. The session highlighted the challenges faced by military personnel in Italy when it comes to trade …

Position papers

Position Paper on Working Time in the Armed Forces

To read the position paper, please click here. To read the Memorandum, please click here.    

Members news

PFEARFU’s Gender Equality Secretariat meeting with GREVIO in Athens

The Council of Europe’s GREVIO Committee of Experts on Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence visited Greece to evaluate the implementation of the Istanbul Convention in the country. During their visit, the Committee sought input from the Secretariat of Gender Equality of PFEARFU to gather data and insights. Their …

Euromil News

EUROMIL’s President at the World Veterans Congress, Belgrade

The World Veterans Congress and 30th General Assembly for the World Veterans Federation were recently held in Belgrade, Serbia from March 6th to March 10th, 2023. The Congress was hosted by the Union of Associations of Fighters of the National Liberation Wars of Serbia (SUBNOR), one of the founders of …

Members news

When in Rome: EUROMIL’s President meetings with NSC and CGIL

On 2 February 2023, EUROMIL’s President, Mr Emmanuel Jacob, travelled to Rome. Meeting with NSC – Nuovo Sindacato Carabinieri Mr Jacob has been invited to discuss EUROMIL’s work at the NSC’s Direttivo Nazionale (Board meeting). The President presented EUROMIL’s objectives and tasks while underlining the ever-lasting aspiration of progressing the …

Members news

Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic commemorate 30th anniversary

On January 1, the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic commemorated the 30th anniversary of its establishment. On this occasion, Zuzana Čaputová, President of the Slovak Republic, Commander-in-Chief of the Slovak Armed Forces stated: “In these challenging times, the value of our membership in the North Atlantic Alliance is even more …