Reintegration of Spanish Soldiers in the Labour Market
Abstract – ATME, one of EUROMIL’s Spanish member associations, reached different agreements on the reintegration of Spanish soldiers – who left the armed forces at age 45 – into the civilian labour market. In Melilla, ATME reached an agreement with the local government that could become an example for the …

P.FE.AR.F.U Participation in Committee of Defence and Foreign Affairs
Abstract – On Tuesday, 16 April 2019, P.FE.AR.F.U officially participated in the Committee of Defence and Foreign Affairs in the Greek Parliament in order to discuss and submit proposals on the new draft law of the MoD. The consultation concerns a draft law about the recruitment, conscription, military justice, support and care arrangements for the …

Call of Portuguese Associations
Abstract – Six associations representing the Armed Forces, the Republican National Guard (GNR) and the Maritime Police called for the intervention of the President of the Republic to “restore justice” by promoting a “complete restoration” of service time after thawing of careers. Meeting in plenary on 15 April 2019, in …

119th EUROMIL Presidium in Bucharest
On 12 April 2019, about 70 delegates from 21 member and observer associations of EUROMIL came to Bucharest, Romania, for the 119th Presidium Meeting. EUROMIL holds Presidium Meetings twice every year. The Presidium approves the policy of the Board and provides impetus for the prospective further development of EUROMIL policy. …

Proposals to Political Parties Concerning Military Personnel in Spain
Abstract – Prior to the upcoming general elections foreseen on 28 April 2019 in Spain, the United Association of Spanish Military (AUME) met with the main national political parties to inform them about the main concerns and goals of military personnel as well to make suggestions regarding their electoral programmes …

New Board of ANS (Portugal) Took Office
Abstract – On 9 March 2019, the new Board of ANS (one of EUROMIL’s Portuguese member associations) took office. In front of dozens of institutional guests and dozens of ANS members and friends, the “Casa do Alentejo”, home to so many and memorable occasions, the members elected on 2 February …

Promoting The Role of Women In The Military – Breaking Gender Stereotypes
On 6 March 2019, EUROMIL, together with MEP Hilde Vautmans (ALDE, Belgium) hosted an event on “Promoting the role of women in the military – Breaking gender stereotypes” in the European Parliament. In her opening remarks, MEP Vautmans set out the background and aim of the event. With women making-up …

P.FE.AR.F.U Congress and High-Level Meetings in Greece
Abstract – On Saturday and Sunday, 2 and 3 March 2019, P.FE.AR.F.U held its third congress in Lamia. Delegates from all over the country attended the congress in a climate of consensus with speeches and interventions. They presented their views on the progress of the trade unionism of the in service …

The Italian Opportunity to Introduce Real Trade Unionism in the Armed Forces!
On 28 February 2019, EUROMIL organised in close collaboration with CGIL, FICIESSE and its longstanding Italian member association ASSODIPRO a conference on trade unionism in the Italian armed forces after the judgment of the Constitutional Court of June 2018. Arriving in Rome on 27 February 2019 EUROMIL’s President Emmanuel Jacob …