Numbers of Military Personnel – Personnel Strength of European Armed Forces
EUROMIL observed in the past months and years that European armed forces are reducing the numbers of their personnel and / or have problems to recruit enough young people to fill their ranks. In autumn 2020, EUROMIL decided to take a step back and analyse the underlying political and military …

First Meeting with the New Belgian Minister of Defence
On 27 October 2020 the Belgian trade unions had a first encounter with Ms Ludivine Dedonder, who took the oath on 1 October 2020 as the first female Minister of Defence of Belgium. In view of the corona restrictions in place, the meeting with the minister was organised online. ‘Our’ …

HKKF to the New Danish Minister for Defence: We are Ready to Cooperate to Achieve the Grand Visions
On 27 June 2019, Trine Bramsen took office as Denmark’s new Minister for Defence, and on 17 August 2019, she presented her visions for the Danish Defence in a feature article. In the article, she states that she wants to focus on the employees of the Danish Defence, implementation of …

EUROMIL Position Paper on Recruitment and Retention
Several trends have influenced the recruitment of personnel of the European armed forces during the last years. Firstly, during the last decades, European armed forces were steadily downsized. In the context of the so-called peace-dividend which was expected after the end of the Cold War, European governments reduced their defence …

Soldiers of Tomorrow
What is important for the young men and women we want to bring into the military today and tomorrow? And what counts for them so that they want to stay for a sufficiently long time? How should defence organizations respond to their expectations and aspirations? The young men and women …