Social Dimension of European Defence: Interview with the Vice President of Strategikon and CEO of Smartlink, Radu Magdin
In the past years, a huge emphasis has been put on the security and defence in Europe. New asymmetric threats such as terrorism, cyber-attacks, organised crime, human trafficking, and disinformation campaigns made security one of the biggest preoccupations of EU citizens. Nevertheless, when thinking of the EU defence sector, its …

PESCO: Relaunching the SAFE Concept
On 20 March 2018, the Kangaroo Group organised, in cooperation with the European Organisation of Military Associations (EUROMIL), a lunchtime debate entitled “PESCO: Relaunching the SAFE Concept” at the European Parliament in Brussels. The event addressed the launch of the Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) and the opportunity to revive the …

DBwV-Congress: All eyes on Europe
From a European point of view the timing of the Congress of the German Armed Forces Association (DBwV) could not have been better: Exactly on the same day as the delegates arrived in Berlin, Germany and 22 other EU member states decided on closer military cooperation. During an official ceremony …

Reflection paper on the future of European Defence
On 7 June 2017, the European Commission published a reflection paper on the future of European Defence which presents three different scenarios for moving towards a Security and Defence Union. On the same day, the European Commission issued a proposal to launch a European Defence Fund to support a more …