The Association of Soldiers of the Slovak Republic (ZV SR) has several options at different levels through which it can fulfil its missions
It is a long period, during which a strong mutual symbiosis has been created between our Association of Soldiers of the Slovak Republic (ZV SR) and EUROMIL. During this period, EUROMIL showed support to our association in all available forms. President of EUROMIL personally participated several times in important negotiations …

Work-life balance in the armed forces – A Nordic comparison
In recent years, interest in the different ways in which military employment affects individuals’ work-life balance has grown. Military personnel face unique challenges in balancing their military commitments and home-related responsibilities, and sometimes have to act in demanding and stressful situations with little or no advance notice. Finding an appropriate …

News from ACMP-CGPM, Belgium “Recruiting and Retaining issues in the Belgian Armed Forces”
On average, almost 15 percent of newly recruited service members forces are already leaving the Belgian armed forces within the year, either on their own request or because they are forced to leave for medical, physical, moral or professional reasons. In 2021 and 2022, the attrition rate even surpassed the …

Professional organizations give input to the upcoming defence settlement in Denmark
Before the Danish Parliament goes on summer vacation in June, it is expected that a new multi-year settlement for the Defence Area will fall into place. The Danish defence budget is decided by this settlement, and there is a tradition for the defence settlement to be concluded between most of …

PFEARFU’s Gender Equality Secretariat meeting with GREVIO in Athens
The Council of Europe’s GREVIO Committee of Experts on Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence visited Greece to evaluate the implementation of the Istanbul Convention in the country. During their visit, the Committee sought input from the Secretariat of Gender Equality of PFEARFU to gather data and insights. Their …

When in Rome: EUROMIL’s President meetings with NSC and CGIL
On 2 February 2023, EUROMIL’s President, Mr Emmanuel Jacob, travelled to Rome. Meeting with NSC – Nuovo Sindacato Carabinieri Mr Jacob has been invited to discuss EUROMIL’s work at the NSC’s Direttivo Nazionale (Board meeting). The President presented EUROMIL’s objectives and tasks while underlining the ever-lasting aspiration of progressing the …

Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic commemorate 30th anniversary
On January 1, the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic commemorated the 30th anniversary of its establishment. On this occasion, Zuzana Čaputová, President of the Slovak Republic, Commander-in-Chief of the Slovak Armed Forces stated: “In these challenging times, the value of our membership in the North Atlantic Alliance is even more …

The President of EUROMIL comments on Greece’s draft law for military personnel
In the context of the coordinated actions of EUROMIL’s member association P.FE.AR.F.U, the President of EUROMIL, Mr Emmanuel Jacob, expressed his concerns on a specific article of the draft law entitled “Care for the personnel of the Armed Forces, rationalization of the legislation of the Armed Forces, organization of the …

Newsletter from the Central Association of Permanent Defence Personnel (CS)
In November, CS held their ordinary congress, where this year both a Chairman and a Vice Chairman were to be elected. After a few years with vice-chairmen elected in the respective defence groups within their units, it was decided at an extraordinary congress this Spring to have a permanently employed …

News from our German Association, DBwV
The “Yellow Ribbons” campaign The DBwV is giving politicians the opportunity to show members of the Bundeswehr their appreciation as the end of the year approaches. 67 years of the Bundeswehr: Ceremonial pledge on the occasion of the anniversary On November 12, the founding day of the Bundeswehr, young women …