Members news

Elections and new Board for AUME

AUME has approved, in the last assembly performed on 7 October 2017 in Madrid, a new Board that will assume along the next four years the command of the AUME´s ship. This new Board has been named according with his elections charters and rules of the AUME´s statute book. The …

Members news

The Advantages of Integration – A PDFORRA Perspective

Continued engagement by the Irish Defence Forces with our European partners received a boost following the recent announcement by the Irish Government that it was nominating Vice Admiral Mark Mellett for election to the Chair of the European Military Committee. The nomination of Vice Admiral Mellett came as no real …

Members news

Greek Armed Forces, “PROMETHEUS Program”

The difficult years of the Memoranda era in Greece, have left the negative social and economic impact on the military personnel, as well as to all Greek people. The absence, in the Ministry of National Defence, of a specific department of designing and implementing support programs to the soldiers – …

Members news

Revolt of the Sailors

Abstract – The Portuguese Association of Caporals and Soldiers (AP – Associação de Praças), a member of EUROMIL, along with the Club of Caporals and Soldiers of the Navy (CPA – Clube de Praças da Armada) held a public ceremony at the Civic Center of Feijó on 9 September 2017. …

Members news

Review of the Belgian Military Pension System

Abstract – The Belgian government intends to increase the retirement age of the military personnel drastically. In its initial proposal, all soldiers were supposed to serve in the future to at least 63 years and some even up to 67. After months of discussions with the unions, a new proposal …

Members news

Cooperation Of Associations And Trade Unions of Gendarmerie Organisations In Europe

On 13 July 2017, a first meeting took place between associations and trade unions of Gendarmerie organisations from three European countries. At the invitation of the Spanish Asociación Unificada de Guardias Civiles (AUGC), representatives of the Portuguese Associação dos Profissionais da Guarda (APG) and of the Dutch Marechaussee Military Union …

Members news

Reception of the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Armed Forces in the German Bundestag

Abstract – Lieutenant Colonel André Wüstner, the chairman of the German Armed Forces Association, spoke on the reception, which is organised by the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Armed Forces in the German Bundestag every year. He talked about the way the Minister of Defence, Dr. Ursula von der Leyen, has …

Members news

When Men Come Together, Associativism Happens!

As part of the program of celebrations of its 28th anniversary, ANS promoted a debate on the importance of associations for the defence of citizenship rights. On a warm afternoon, on 20 June, in a room where ANS members and leaders were present, along with representatives of the military associative …

Members news

News From Italy

Abstract – For ASSODIPRO, the last months have been very important for the results achieved and for the activity in the field of rights and protection for all citizens in uniform. The first important news is that, thanks to an ASSODIPRO appeal, the Italian Constitutional Court, Supreme Judge of the Laws, …

Members news

AP Ceremony

On 18 April 2017, a ceremony took place at the Centro Cultural Casapiano in Lisbon for the takeover of the new members of the AP Junior Rates Military Association for the 2017-2020 term. The ceremony was attended by representatives of the Ministry of National Defence and  Ombudsman, the Chief of …